VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Create Job Slots

Steps in this task

  1. Click on the Add job slot link, or right-click on the list and select Add slot(s).
  2. Choose when and where the job slots are needed. For every day you choose, except for the days of the week you un-check, VSys will create a job slot for every location selected.
    In the example below, VSys will make 23 job slots. There are 23 days between 12/01/2014 and 12/31/2014 which are not Sunday or Saturday, and we've just one location selected.
    Job slot editor window showing two Coffe Cove job slots
  3. Select how many volunteers you need in each job slot along with the location(s) and supervisor (optional).
  4. If you are using VSys Live for volunteers to sign up for jobs online, the Do not show for lookup on VSys Live allows you to hide this job slot in VSys Live.
  5. Click the Test button to see what slots VSys would make, but without actually creating them.
  6. Click the Create button to create your slots.

When creating job slots, why won't the Save button work?

If the locations you expect don't appear, check the job's definition. VSys won't let you choose locations here which aren't valid for the job itself.

If your choices here would cause VSys to make more than 20 job slots, you'll get a confirmation prompt so you don't accidentally select 365 days and twenty locations (7,300 slots!)

See Also

Job Slots

Job Slots and Assignments Into Them

Job Slot Properties

Extending Recurring Slots in Bulk

Job Slot Assignments