VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Location Properties

Linked Graphic

Field name



Description of the location.

Comments and Images

Attach comments and images, such as photos or maps of the location.

Full description

Normally location names print showing their full hierarchy, e.g. "Troy.RPI.Library.Room 308". If you put a different description here, e.g. "RPI Library 308", that value will print in its place.

Short description

An abbreviated version of the name, used in some places and as a field on reports.

Located within

The parent site for this location. Select "(base location)" for it to have no parent.

Postal code

Entering a postal code lets VSys try to determine its coordinates and is used in searches.

Job/location attachments

See Job/location attachments.

Handicapped accessible

Check if this location is handicapped-accessible.

Placeholder location

If this location exists solely to hold other locations, check this box. That will prevent this location from being used for job slots and suppress it from the slots/calendar tool. (Only appears when the location is a parent location with children.)

Assign latitude/longitude coordinates

If checked, lets you enter coordinates for this location. The coordinates are used to find locations based on distance from some point.


Standard geographic latitude.


Standard geographic longitude.

Get coordinates from postal code

Clicking this link tells VSys to look up the latitude/longitude coordinates for the location from the postal code.

Get coordinates from address

Uses the Google Maps API to find the exact latitude/longitude for this address. Use this to allow for advanced location searching in VSys Live. Internet connection required.

Show on Google Maps

Launches your web browser and brings up this location in Google Maps.

Assign address

If checked, VSys gives you a place to enter a full address for this location. This address can be used in reports.


Enter directions to this location to have them appear in reports and available to include for volunteers.

See Also
