VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Locations are used to identify:

By including postal codes and/or latitude/longitude information with each location, VSys can use that data when searching for jobs and trainings to locate individuals within a certain distance.

Locations in VSys One are:

From either the VSys One home screen or from within a project, select the Setup panel then Locations.
Linked Graphic


Add location

Opens the location editor to create a new location.

Copy from another project

Shows other projects (including "global") that have locations. Select one or more locations to copy in order to add them to this project. (Projects only)

On the right-click menu

Right-click on a location in this list to edit its properties and for other tools relevant to specific locations.

Add new location

Opens the location editor to create a new location.

Add new location within this location

Opens the location editor to create a new location, with the new location being a child of the currently selected location.


Edits an existing location's properties.

Merge with another location

Asks for the name of another location, then adds that location's children to this location.


Deletes a location along with all of the child locations within it.

Comments and images

Lets you associate pictures and comments with the current location.

Locations are stored by internal codes, not by name. Renaming a location renames it everywhere in this project. If you delete a location, it is gone forever - making a new one with the same name will not bring it back or re-associate it with the things that used the old one.

In This Section

Location Properties

See Also


System Preferences and Feature Enabling

Accounts and Outcomes

Attachment Types

Awards Types

Bonus Hours Rules


Comment Types

Custom Fields

E-mail Attachments


Group Types


Interview Types



Label Types

Mandate Types

Membership Types

People types, names and statuses

Project Groups


Supervisors Setup


Training Setup
