VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Security Emergency Bypass

VSys One technical support can remotely shut down VSys Security for you. On the login screen you'll see an icon: . Click this icon to bring up the Data Unlock tool.
Linked Graphic
With this you can call VSys One's technical support team and provide the company and user key values. They'll require that you prove you're authorized to shut down security, at which point they will give you a one-time unlock key. Entering this will shut down VSys Security to get you access to the Security manager in order to reset user accounts.

See Also

VSys Security

Security Notes

Security Options

Password Self-Changing

Security Manager

User Security Rights - Advanced Mode

Ownership Tags

User Security Rights - Compatibility Mode

VSys Security and GMS 5/6

Security Settings Import/Export

Security Reports

Active Directory/LDAP