VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Ownership Tags

VSys Security normally gives you access to specific setup tools, e.g. "Skills" and "Job preferences". For more complex organizational structures where you'd like to restrict access to individual items within a setup tool, use ownership tags.

Ownership tags can be applied to many different objects, and for a user to have the rights to edit an object, for example a skill, she must both have setup rights to the tool and rights to at least one ownership tag associated with that skill.

Ownership tag rules

In This Section

Setting Up Ownership Tags

Ownership Tag Rights

Using Security Ownership Tags

See Also

VSys Security

Security Notes

Security Options

Password Self-Changing

Security Manager

User Security Rights - Advanced Mode

User Security Rights - Compatibility Mode

VSys Security and GMS 5/6

Security Settings Import/Export

Security Reports

Active Directory/LDAP

Security Emergency Bypass