VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Process Downloaded Applications

This tool shows you, by default, all of the application forms which have been filled out by your volunteers online but not yet processed. You can use the filters for Show these types and Application statuses to choose which applications are shown, including those that have been processed or rejected. From the VSys Web panel, select Process downloaded applications.
Linked Graphic
For each of these applications, click on it to edit it and optionally save its data.

Right-click tools


Opens this application where you can edit and then approve or reject it.


Associates comments with this application so that other users can see your notes. These comments are not connected to the volunteer applicant.


Just throw it away

Rejects the application without opening it.

And ban this IP address

The person's IP address, as recorded by the web interface, is marked as banned for two weeks


Application handler

Sets the application handler for this application. Only available if one or more application handlers have been defined.


Prints either the completed application or a blank version of it.

See letters associated with this application

Visible only if the application has one or more e-mails associated with it. This lets you edit or delete these letters before they're sent.

Special/Try to update application to handle unlinked fields

Only appears if the submitted application has one or more fields on it which are not present in the application's current layout. Clicking this link causes VSys to try to create a new application layout which includes the now-missing fields. If VSys is successful, it saves the layout to an XML file that you can then import into the application designer.

Show/Hide checkboxes

Toggle to show or hide checkboxes to work with several records at once.


All, None, or Reverse the checkboxes on applications here.


Delete or un-delete. Deleting an application here is permanent: once you click Save, the deleted application is gone for good.

In This Section

Processing Applications

See Also

Process Information

Approve/Reject Volunteer-Entered Hours

Send Pending Web Messages