Job definitions now support the concept of Custom fields to prompt for at checkout/hours entry; these fields will be prompted for in VSys Live hours entry or checkout or on VSys Live Kiosk checkout, but not on the standard VSys Kiosk. These are intended not necessarily for metrics capture but rather more complex values such as checklists, memo fields, etc.
In the Jobs/slots calendar tool, when clicking on a slot with 1+ volunteers, any assignments with the status Normal will float to the top of the list of volunteers.
The Job slots and assignments into them tool now remembers the last used columns and sort order when reporting, exporting, etc. certifications, fields of type Job can now be detail filtered.
In both jobs/slots calendar tools, right-clicking on a slot to send letters to the volunteers in that slot now shows a popup dialog to select the letter template and which assignments to use.
Copying/pasting a job definition via clipboard now transports custom field values.
When defining jobs in VSys One, right-clicking on a job now offers the option Find all active locations; this searches all active job associations, future assignments and future slots associated with this job and the locations for those objects, offering to set those as the new defined locations for the job.
Job associations can now optionally require locations for all or just new records; note that this requirement is only applied to job associations created manually in VSys One and Anywhere.
Job associations setup now supports enabling ranking for job associations.
Open schedule jobs now support the property Allowed on other applications. This allows the open schedule job to be used on applications by the applicant selecting it from a combo box on applications other than the designated signup applications when compatible with the user's logged-in status.
Where job activities are used for hours entry, update, etc., added additional HTML classes for formatting.
Letters can now be run on the basis of job associations; from within the profile editor, right-clicking on a job association brings up the option of sending a letter based on that job association.
When sending e-mails, VSys now attempts to remove any duplicate recipients among the primary, cc: and bcc: lists.
Email attachments now have the concept of an expiration date. This only affects their setup and visibility, not their ability to be delivered with a letter to which they're already attached.
Letter templates can now be based on memberships.
When using SendGrid as an SMTP server, now does not attempt to set the Bounces-to header since SendGrid doesn't support that properly.
The Standalone E-mail Robot now:
Supports the new setting, Do not purge old E-mail Robot 'Heartbeat' records.
Stores its query log files separately from other VSys tools.
Gains additional diagnostics when a letter's result from the SMTP provider indicates that it is anything other than delivered; in cases like this the message is now delayed four hours unless that delay would put it between 8pm and 8am, in which case it's set to 8am the following morning.
Surveys can now be displayed "aggressively" in VSys Live, that is, taking up and preventing use of other tools. This requires that the survey itself be configured for aggressive display and that the actionlink "Surveys display ('aggressive')" be placed on the current page. Note that these are only available for logged-in users and internally enforce a 15-minute hiatus between being shown for a single user regardless of the survey's re-use interval.
Eligibility Checklists
Changed how eligibility checklists are configured to require trainings.
Eligibility checklists, when requiring assignments, now support checking the credited/not credited statuses of those assignments.
When setting up eligibility checklists, now supports right-clicking on a definition to test it against a sample person. A Test link is now included within the checklist's definition setup as well.
Eligibility checklist "Filter" items, when disabled, are now considered to be completed.
Improved the handling of very large fonts when setting up eligibility checklists.
When setting up eligibility checklists, VSys now describes any implied rules for each item.
When trying to add an eligibility checklist to a profile, if that person is not eligible, now attempts to display a useful reason why.
Scheduled Tasks
VSys One scheduled backups and bulk backups, when running as scheduled tasks, now lock based on their individual tasks rather than their class (previously allowed only one bulk backup in flight, even if they were separate tasks backing up different databases).
When setting up a scheduled task mail merge, now indicates if the merge is specifically for reference check letter or just a general merge.
Scheduled tasks now have the property Don't warn about being late unless late by at least.
Security now supports allowing a user access to additional VSys Anywhere tool profiles. VSys Anywhere now supports using a menu to allow users to switch tool profiles during a single session (note that tool profile switching is considered experimental).
Added various security-related properties as reportable fields for people.
VSys now supports applying the same security to job associations as to assignments based on the job linked to the job association.
The VSys Live password change tool now supports the user entering as "Current password" their 5-digit basic ID if their web password is blank and the site permits authentication with basic ID as password.
VSys Security rights for superusers now support But no access to Security Manager.
Added the concept of limited access to certain hours records. After enabling the feature Security restrictions to hours records, designate one or more job groups with Hours records security restricted. At this point hours for jobs in those job groups have only their basic properties (job, location, start, duration, etc.) available for reporting unless the user is given the rights to hours by job or job group; these hours records are read-only and cannot be opened in popup editors by users without those rights. These same hours also limit which aspects of themselves are visible to volunteers in VSys Live.
In Security, the link Copy compatibility mode rights is now available even when Advanced Security is enabled.
Various VSys Security-based fields can now be updated using the bulk value updater.
Interactive File Importer
Various options setup items such as awards can now be created and/or updated.
When importing hours, if a suspicious number of imported records have the same duration and bonus duration, a warning is now displayed.
When importing slots, now properly indicates the actual created dates for slots.
When importing interviews and training courses, now supports importing custom field values.
Changed how VSys handles a job in an incoming file, permitting, for example, the syntax "Parent/Job group/Job" or "Job group/Job" to be specified in the Job field alone
Now supports importing open schedule jobs.
Kiosk/Live Kiosk
Kiosk automatic PIN settings now support limiting assigning PINs to people based on their status, type(s) and group(s).
Added the new tool, global kiosk settings within VSys Live setup: it allows setting only kiosk login requirements and automatic PIN assignments since these affect both the VSys Live Kiosk and the desktop VSys Kiosk tools. Note that automatic kiosk PINs are assigned only when a person is first created/saved: subsequent changes and saves will not check the conditions set here, nor assign a PIN automatically.
In the bulk interviews creator tool, Start date and Start time are now properly required of the template interview.
Interviews now support visibility rules; when assigned, the interview lookup tool will enforce these visibility rules. The rules are not applied anywhere else, e.g. the listing of interviews on the "My info" page.
Bulk Value Updater
The bulk value updater and other tools that support a generic named settings save/load mechanism now support saving to/loading from disk files.
When updating certain combo and checklist fields (e.g. skills), now offers additional options for displaying and handling those values.
Recurring assignments now have the properties Cancel recurring assignment and Cancel recurring assignment cancellation date which can be used in the bulk value updater to effectively cancel recurring assignments en masse. Note that if an explicit cancellation date is not set then the current date is used.
From within a volunteer's profile, adding a slot-based assignment now indicates - if present - the slot override description for each slot.
Added the new property to people Preferred phone type as well as the reportable field Preferred phone number. The former sets which type of phone is best for a person without specifying the actual phone number, where the latter is a non-editable field that returns the person's best phone number of that type if present.
Added the symmetrical relationships Boyfriend/Boyfriend and Girlfriend/Girlfriend.
In the profile editor, the count of surveys for a person is now indicated in the panel caption, and survey results can be deleted.
Within the profile editor, right-clicking on an eligibility checklist now includes the option of sending the person a letter based on that checklist.
Mouseover hints in VSys One are no longer permitted to move themselves left of the current mouse position. This prevents a large hint from occupying the entire screen.
Within a person's profile, the application approval status of applications can no longer be changed, this now can only be done from the Applications Approval manager where workflow requirements can be enforced and add'l changes to people such as group, type, etc. can be properly applied.
When editing an address that already has a country assigned to it, and when using the F2 key to look up a zip code, the country is now no longer erased.
Listings of hours in profiles now show, in the mouseover hint, the name of the person who approved the hours record.
Person lookup tools now support showing the columns First assignment, Last assignment, Next assignment and Previous assignment.
Application approval statuses now support setting the applicant's group, person type and/or volunteer type; adding or removing the person from lists; adding eligibility checklists to the person. In addition, they now can require that the person be on or not on one or more lists.
The handle potentially duplicate people tool can now merge multiple duplicate records in a single pass.
The certification "Background reference check" can now have its fields edited, but only to the extent that new fields can be added and existing fields rearranged; added the value Held as an option to the field Method.
When another user has the certifications setup tool open, additional users can now open that tool in read-only mode.
VSys Live applications can now be used to edit existing certifications; this is done by enabling the advanced system preference Edit existing certifications via VSys Live applications, then in the properties of one or more VSys Live application forms for existing people, checking Use for editing existing certifications and selecting the appropriate certification types. If the same application will be used for both creating and editing existing certifications, in that application's properties set the option Create/reuse XXX" certifications to Create a new one even if one exists. Then in a VSys Live listing view for certifications for a person, show the column Edit and select the application to be used for editing all certifications in this application, along with optionally setting the link caption and last date for which editing is valid. Note that this mechanism is 100% unsupported, not covered by any existing support or implementation agreement unless explicitly specified.
When a certification is created via the approval of an attachment (where that attachment's attachment type specifies the creation of a certification), the certification's auto-expiration rules are now applied.
VSys Live agreements can now require and capture signatures; these become attachments and signatures on the created certification.
Signatures on application forms and certifications are now reportable.
Sterling/Verified Volunteers
"Verified Volunteers" is now renamed "Sterling/Verified Volunteers" as part of the rebranding of "Verified Volunteers" to "Sterling Volunteers".
When retrieving results from Sterling/Verified Volunteers using the aggregate API (the only one currently enabled), now always logs raw XML responses.
In Sterling/Verified Volunteers background check requests, once a request has the status "Sent" it can now no longer be manually changed to any other value.
When retrieving results from Sterling/Verified Volunteers, now logs additional details.
Changed the URL used for aggregate results retrieval from Sterling/Verified Volunteers
Scheduled Tasks
The scheduled tasks setup tool can now be opened in read-only mode when it's being used by another
Scheduled tasks can now be duplicated via right-click.
Added new file creation validation for scheduled task reports, exports, etc.
Custom fields can now be made inactive.
Various options-based setup tools now support the Hide inactive filter.
Various options setup tools now, when opening in read-only mode because the tool is locked elsewhere, now shows the name/user ID of the person who likely has the tool locked.
Revised the code used to create Excel 2007 (.xlsx) files to be more compatible.
VSys Live installation settings now support Consider non-SSL requests to have come through a proxy or load balancer that negotiated an SSL negotiation even if no SSL certificate is installed.
The list manager tool now shows counts of people on all lists; supports hiding inactive and/or expired lists.
In various places in VSys, See tracked changes now also shows transitions for the given item as well as all notifications sent to or about it.
When saving "options", now stores an HTML comparison between the old and new values.
Various slot setup, open schedule job setup and training course setup tools in VSys One now support right-click --> Get VSys Live one-click link.
Award definitions, when Only award once is checked or one or more Don't award if recipient has received... is checked, now include the option Even if those awards are 'Denied' or 'Skipped'.
VSys One bookmarks can now be copied/pasted via the Windows clipboard.
The check for zip/postal code updates tool now supports editing and creating individual zip code records.
Added the advanced system preferences:
When extending recurring job slots, permit automatic extension of slots series with only one slot. If checked, a job slot marked as recurring, but which has only a single actual slot, will be considered for automatic/bulk extension. If not checked, these singleton slots will not be eligible for automatic extension. The default behavior is now to not extend singleton slots and is a change from previous versions.
Allow the availability index update to be run even when not strictly necessary.
When automatically matching assignments to job slots, do not match an assignment to a slot where the slot has a job description override.
Enable the "Do not automatically match assignments to this slot" property of job slots.
In the profile editor, show list of comments without formatting.
Remove links to export interview schedules to Outlook.
In job combo boxes (drop-downs), always show job group in addition to the job name.
Custom Fields
Checklist and combo custom fields now have the concept of "Inactive values".These values, if selected, are not removed from disk but also are not displayed in any editors. A saved field with 1+ inactive values will lose those inactive values.
Custom fields applicable to slots, assignments, hours and/or job associations can now be limited to specific jobs.
Custom field definitions now support forcing a line break after a field when editing custom field values.
When setting up custom fields that can be applicable to job-related items, the jobs checklist now supports right-click options.
Attached files now support the concept of both Comments and User comments; User comments will never have processing logs put into it automatically.
Attached documents now support transitions.
Attached files now support the property Approval comments. This property can be used in reports and notifications.
Attachment types now support the concept of an attached certification type. If set, when an attachment is created or saved, a certification of that type with the same effective and expiration dates will be updated for that same owner. Note that manually changing the certification's properties (or deleting it) may be overridden when the attachment is saved.
Attachment types now have the optional property Never show in VSys Live. Attachments whose type has this set will never be shown in VSys Live listings regardless of whether the listing view specifies to include that attachment type or not.
In the profile editor, in listings of attached documents, an attachment that is possibly visible in any VSys Live site (via a non-hidden listing view of attachments visible to logged-in users and which does not exclude this attachment type), is noted as Possibly visible in VSys Live.
The advanced exporter, when used to export attachments, can now export the attachment contents to disk files.
The attachments approval manager now supports mouseover hints for each record plus right click --> Send a letter.
Notifications based on attachments can now use a merge template.
Notifications based on volunteer requests now support additional filtering options.
For notifications based on eligibility checklist status, if the checklist's Last advanced property - which indicates when its status was last manually advanced - is blank, VSys will now allow a pre-existing notification with a this to be considered a previous notification for the purposes of not re-notifying.
Notification events can now optionally re-notify after some period of time by ignoring older notifications for the same item.
Notification subscription events, when one or more job or location filters are applied and projects are enabled, now show a warning that such filters will exclude all project-based assignments/slots/etc.
Various notification subscription events now support including or excluding jobs by job tags.
Notification subscriptions setup now indicates if a subscription is for a subscriber that has no valid e-mail addresses yet has 1+ events to be delivered by e-mail.
Notification subscriptions, when run in test mode, now indicate applied date ranges and list out the names of people excluded for various reasons.
When defining the attachments to be included with a notification, an inactive attachment is now indicated as such.
In notifications based on training records, where cancelled training records are not included, if the course's status is Rescheduled or Cancelled then VSys assumes the training record itself to be cancelled even if it does not have that status.
Notifications that are "people-based" and which are delivered by e-mail now support the option cc: primary supervisor.
Added the new notification subscription special recipient "Recipients via properties of a recent application". This looks back to the referenced person's most recent application of the given type(s) and status(es) then derives the recipient(s) from the requested site/requested department associated with that application.
Anniversary notifications can now be based on First hours in addition to Date started and Date active.
Notification subscription events can now optionally override the sender name and/or e-mail address for e-mail based notifications.
Notifications based on expiring certifications now support Only if not superseded by a newer one of the same type.
Added the notification events:
Volunteer last hours.
Assignments count.
The events New assignment, New job association, Assignment reminder, Expiring recurring assignment and Recurring assignment first assignment to support automatically included job/location attachments with notifications delivered by e-mail.
Volunteer with no recent hours now supports filtering on job and location.
Volunteer with no recent hours now ignores open checkins and to consider the last hours date/time to be that of the last qualifying hours (based on the jobs, locations, etc. of the trigger) instead of the last hours date of any kind.
VSys Live application approval link now:
Supports the setting Get approver e-mail address from to (send to subscriber). This overrides the default behavior of redirecting the notification to a specific e-mail address and instead sending the notification (or notifications) to whomever is would normally get the notification based on the subscription's subscriber.
Editing the Status and other filters applicable to the referenced person.
New interview and Interview reminder can now be filtered by Interviewer.
Assignments and job slots now support additional reportable fields for Other volunteers and Volunteers assigned, respectively.
Added the new job slot reportable field Assigned volunteers (only status "Normal").
Added the new reportable property to hours records, "Last changed".
Reports based on account records can now include properties of the associated hours record, if any.
Summary/crosstab reports not based on people in many cases now support the option If a person is on any of these lists, always include them in the report. This is intended primarily for hours summary-type reports where you want to include volunteers even with no hours if they meet appropriate criteria.
Scheduled exports now offer the option Always export into specified folder instead of Windows temp folder. When checked the output file will be put into the specified folder rather than the current Windows temp folder. This setting precludes having VSys automatically deliver that resulting file by e-mail or FTP.
In reports (not exports), added the new display format fracy:ym to format a value that's in fractional years, e.g. 17.5, into years and months, e.g. 17 years, 6 months.
When reporting setup options, now supports filtering on min/max created and min/max last changed.
The advanced exporter, when used to export photos, can now put those photos into a specific folder.
In custom column reports and the advanced exporter, revised how fields are included and re-arranged
Revised the Excel 2007 exporter to better deal with formatting.
Added the new filter mechanism, Complex criteria. This acts as a mini-Intellilist allowing add/remove/intersect based on one or more criteria embedded inline with the other, simpler criteria.
The filters First volunteer hours and Last volunteer hours now support the option Ignore year portion of date.
The filters Group, Primary group, Additional groups, Person type, Primary person type, Additional people types, Supervisor and Primary supervisor now support the ability to invert the filter.
Added the new filter Security user during some time period.
Lists of people registered in a project can now include arbitrary columns as well as display the status of eligibility checklists.
Projects can now optionally limit the statuses of the people being added.
Projects can now optionally require, by role, that entrants have one or more completed eligibility checklists.
Index Update
Added the new index update tool, Update blank groups associated with hours records. For hours records with no Group value, populates that value from the volunteer's current primary group
Added the new index update tool, Purge old list trace records.
The index update tool Update security roles to match those in security rights is now available if security is enabled and/or VSys Anywhere is enabled.
VSys Web Advanced
Now supports hiding the page menu plus setting highlight and/or background colors for required fields on applications.
When processing VSys Web applications, approve or reject + send a letter now properly sets the application's status if the generated e-mail was sent immediately.
Will now properly use a person's e-mail address or kiosk ID as their login if applicable.
VSys Web Advanced application forms now support Base font family and Base font size.