Added the new property to projects, Don't require security rights to register someone in this project. This is specifically meant to bypass newly-enforced security permissions when registering people into a project using VSys Anywhere.
Custom field definitions now support forcing a line break after a field when editing custom field values.
Various VSys Live and VSys Anywhere popups, when showing on a window that is less tall than the popup, now should not end up with their captions above the top of the logical page.
Now supports caching of a user's known Active Directory groups.
A redirect to "\" (or any URL with a backslash in it) is now prevented.
Added the advanced site setting Do not show 'Related tools' or 'Recent tools' in VSys Anywhere.
VSys Live and Anywhere now better handle cases where the user portion of a user's e-mail address (the part before the "@" symbol) is exactly ten numeric digits long; it previously tried to process a login with such an account as being a phone-number based login.
Now supports two-factor authentication via SMS (Not standard implementation, requires additional services).
When setting up various items, the "Ownership tags" filter now includes the option (exclude if no ownership tags). This allows the default behavior where when 1+ ownership tags are specified as filters, VSys includes items if the items have no ownership tags to be excluded.
The VSys Live and VSys Anywhere forced password reset tools now properly use their configurable values such as title and instructions.
When editing HTML in VSys Live and VSys Anywhere, changed how the HTML source is displayed.
Additional tools now support field and column renaming.
Revised how whole-page caching is managed in VSys Live and VSys Anywhere to account for visibility rules aspects (mobile, user agent, IP addresses) that may change the content of the page but don't reference the logged-in person; only affects anonymous (not logged in) users.
The HTML editor in VSys Live/VSys Anywhere is upgraded from Froala 3.0.6 --> 3.1.0.
Tool profiles
Tool profiles now support disabling specific advanced filters.
Tool profile items now support the concept of "Related tools". Any related tools show as hyperlinks to those tools in a navigator.
Tool profiles now support the setting Show a search box for which fields.
When defining downloadable files, the tool profile can now specify that 1+ visibility rules and/or 1+ file types be entered.
Tool profiles now support the setting Show 'Send a letter' links on various listing fields.
Various reports now support the setting "Include incomplete addresses". This property sets whether, when address-based fields are included on a report, addresses which are not complete (i.e. an address line, city, and state) are reported.
Many reports, including mail merges, now support Redirect page after running and Message to show after running settings in the tool profile. These are intended primarily to send the user to their "My reports" page and instruct them on next steps.
Various reports and tools now properly remember the E-mail results to... property when run again.
The scheduled tasks for processing VSys Anywhere and VSys Live self-run reports now have the optional setting Always create Excel 2007 (xlsx) files instead of xls.
The letter template editing tool, now collapses and hides various fields until needed.
The mailing labels tool now optionally supports using advanced criteria.
Mail merges, for letter templates based on people, now support the option Include me as a recipient.
VSys Live and VSys Anywhere sites can now, using advanced settings in their site's general site settings, now deliver e-mail and/or SMS text messages in the same way that the various Standalone E-mail Robot services do. It's also feasible to have multiple of these sites delivering e-mail/SMS in parallel.
The letter manager tool now supports setting a higher maximum on the number of letters that can be shown.
In the person lookup tool, when using the "Send a letter" link and the selected letter template is not based on people, now displays an appropriate message and, where possible, attempts to use a sample qualifying object (such as a job association) in order to generate the letter. If no qualifying object is found, VSys will attempt the merge with just the given person to resolve fields applicable to that person.
Setup/Creation Tools
Added the new VSys Anywhere security manager tool.
Added the new VSys Anywhere tool, Accounts/outcomes entry.
Accounts and account types can now be set up using VSys Anywhere.
Now supports creating and modifying custom field definitions.
Eligibility checklists can now be created and edited in VSys Anywhere.
Now supports setting up groups, group types, requested sites, requested departments, application handlers and membership types.
Now supports the name setup options and, Job associations options setup tools.
Now supports setting up job value measurements.
Now supports setting up holidays.
Now supports setup of downloadable file types.
Now supports setting up letter template groups and applying these to letter templates.
Tool additions
The lists setup tool can now optionally hide private lists that aren't owned by the current user.
The slots creation tool now supports Do not automatically match job assignments to these slots.
Various setup tools now support renaming of their fields and columns in some cases.
The bulk assignments editing,assignments approval (inline),bulk hours editing and hours approval (inline) tools now support editing custom field values.
Added the new tools Mandates manager and Memberships manager.
Job group setup now supports assigning an icon to a job group. Both jobs and job groups now support deleting their icons.
Enabled additional tool field renaming elements for sites, including the letter template editor
Pop-up person lookups, e.g. when assigning someone to a slot, now accepts and handles formatted phone numbers for searching; this same editor now shows resulting people in a hierarchy based on status, plus it will include that person's team name if present.
In pop-up person lookups raised the limit on the number of people shown here from 50 to 150.
The person lookup tool now supports, when enabled in the tool profile, allowing the user to display arbitrary additional columns in the results.
Improved the performance of the person lookup tool when many records are returned.
The person lookup tool now supports multiselect of people (checkboxes) as well as actions on those people using the vertical ellipsis button: add/remove to lists, create a new list,send e-mail/SMS/kiosk messages.
Person lookup tools now support showing the columns First assignment, Last assignment, Next assignment and Previous assignment.
The person lookup tool now better handles mouseover hints and the Action button.
In the person lookup tool, most actions taken (from the links shown on the [Actions] button) now show a confirmation message after saving.
The person lookup tool can now send letters to multiple people at once based on a letter template.
The person lookup tool now supports a Show transitions hyperlink for each person.
In the profile editor, when attaching a document to an interview or certification, now indicates the type of attachment to be created and, if appropriate, that it might be visible in VSys Live.
The profile editor now supports viewing and editing virtual hours records (those associated with job activities); the list of hours now defaults to showing the most recent hours first.
The profile editor, when listing hours, now includes the columns Client and Metrics/outcomes.
The profile editor tool, when creating a new person, now supports a mechanism for finding people similar to the one being created.
The profile editor tool, when creating a new person, now suppresses certain listing fields such as Applications and Surveys since they cannot be manually added to and by definition must be empty for a new person.
The profile editor now moves transitions into a popup window.
Various VSys Anywhere properties of a person: Web user ID, Kiosk user ID, Integration ID, Timeclock integration ID and Import reference ID now all show popup messages if the values assigned here conflict with those assigned to anyone else.
The attachments approval manager now optionally supports filtering on the properties (requested site, requested department, handler) of applications submitted by the same person as owns the attachments being shown.
Letter templates, custom column reports and the advanced exporter now greatly limit the fields available for adding to a report/template unless the checkbox Show advanced fields is checked in that tool.
Revised how filters and other settings are shown in VSys Anywhere reports and mail merges.
"Trace/audit log actions" and "Trace/audit log actions as operator" are now supported as advanced filters.
Added 22 new VSys Anywhere advanced filters.
In various VSys Anywhere advanced filters, it's now possible to erase date fields.
Eligibility/intake checklists can now be used as filter criteria.
Dashboard Feeds
VSys Anywhere dashboard feeds now support volunteer requests as a source.
VSys Anywhere now supports, via tool profile, limiting which fields are editable when setting up open schedule jobs.
The open schedule job setup tool now has the options Hide links and Hide one-click links.
Revised how job and open schedule job definitions are edited.
When editing assignments, only the custom fields applicable to the selected underlying job are now displayed.
Fields for creating and editing job slots and assignments now exclude all but "Active" people from the Supervisor field.
The slots editing tool now supports assigning volunteers to select-a-start slots and properly editing the start time for those assignments.
The bulk assignments editing tool now supports optional inline editing.
The various places in VSys Anywhere which support assigning a volunteer to a slot now support this until the slot's end time is reached rather than requiring that the start time not be past.
When assigning a volunteer to a job slot, now optionally allows making that assignment even if it's in conflict with some other assignment for the volunteer.
Cancelling a recurring assignment ensures that the recurring assignment is marked as Prevent bulk/automatic extension.
VSys Anywhere recurring assignments now support the property Prevent bulk/automatic extension.
VSys Anywhere slots, open schedule jobs and training course tools now eliminate the old "permalink" mechanisms (where they were applicable) in favor of the new "Get one-click link" option.
When assigning a volunteer to a job slot or creating a single (non-recurring) assignment for a volunteer, now checks for indicated negative availability for that volunteer and prevents saving of the assignment if the volunteer is specifically unavailable.
The VSys Anywhere tools bulk assignments editing and assignments approval (inline) now support displaying custom fields for each assignment.
VSys Anywhere now supports editing the rules as well as the details in a recurring assignment.
VSys Anywhere now supports setting application approval statuses and applying their advanced properties, but only from outside of the profile editor. From within the profile editor this field is read-only as it affects other values of that person and those could not be immediately applied to the profile.
The VSys Anywhere person lookup tool can now optionally show an "Add job association" link next to each record.
The applications approval manager tool now supports viewing attachments linked to individual applications.
The simple hours crediting tool now supports requiring a location for each record and will now attempt to guess the location from the volunteer's job associations based on the selected job and supervisor
The hours approval tools now optionally support displaying custom fields, suppressing the "Groups" filter, and now always display, for each record, both the job group and job.
In the inline hours approval tool, added the new option "Show comments field for each record".
The who's checked in tool now supports editing checkin records.
The credit volunteer hours tool now supports the setting Allow setting count of people in the hours record.
Hours approval tools now support the selection rule "Only where the user is supervisor for the hours record or supervises the volunteer in a matching job association".
The hours entry tool now supports bonus hours-only entry via a setting in the tool profile.
The credit volunteer hours tool now supports setting record-by-record comments as well as a comment applied to every record.
In the credit hours from assignments, credit hours from job associations,hours approval, hours approval (inline), assignments approval, and assignments approval (inline) tools, hyperlinks to a volunteer now open that volunteer in edit mode with only the specific section of that profile being referenced in the tool being read-only.
The hours approval tool now optionally supports adding comments to approved and/or rejected hours records.
When attaching a file to a certification in VSys Anywhere, now links the file to both the person and the certification.
Training courses setup now supports assigning an instructor and optionally making the current user the instructor.
When defining a training course, Instructor is no longer a required property.
The editor for training course definitions setup now supports custom fields.