Page regions are the heart of the page: regions within the page layout into which items (blocks, menus and images) can be added.
Drag and drop items from the list of Available items on to regions.
Drag and drop items from one region to another.
Right-click on items to Hide, edit Options, Set weight, Delete or set Mobile browser status and Visibility rules for each item. (Visibility rules let you show or hide items based on the current date plus certifications and eligibility checklists for the currently logged-in person.)
You cannot delete or configure the options of an item that's included by being inherited from a template page but you can hide those items.
Click on an image to change its Alternate text and/or resize that image. If the Width and Height are left at 0, VSys Live will not specify any sizing information when it puts this image on the page.
The regions shown above are just examples. The actual regions available will vary depending on the layout used in your install of VSys Live.