VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Client Lookup

The client opportunity lookup action link is a very specialized tool, part of the client management system. It's designed for clients to look for open job slots but not to sign up as volunteers: instead they sign up as the Client (an entirely separate property) for that slot.

Lookup only/no signup

If checked, searching is available but clients cannot select any opening.

Default approval status

You'd commonly set this to "Pending approval" so that volunteers remain unable to select this slot.

Show signup/more info links on a new page

When clicking on the Sign up or More info links, VSys Live will normally show the signup/more info in a popup window; check this to have it open that on a new page.

After selecting an opening, try to stay on the same page

If checked, VSys Live will try to return to the original page after signup.

Signup link text

Any text here replaces the default Sign up link text.

More info link text

Any text here replaces the default More info link text.

Popup window caption

This replaces the text at the top of the popup window after clicking on Sign up or More info.

[Search] button caption

Any text here replaces Search on that button.

Search fields

What fields should be shown to the client using this tool? Communities served, Date range, Handicap-accessible, Job tags, Jobs, Keywords, Locations, Zip/postal proximity.

Show jobs checklist "flat"

If checked, VSys won't show the list of jobs in a hierarchical format.

Message to show if no results found

If a search returns no results, this replaces the default "(no results found)" text.

Show results in calendar format

Checking this shows results using a navigable calendar format. See calendar results for options on how calendars can be rendered in VSys Live.

Show in Google Maps

Shows results rendered in Google Maps; see Google Maps results for more information.

Specific jobs

If any jobs are checked here, only slots with these jobs will be returned.

Excluded jobs

Slots with these jobs will not be shown. Can be used alone in conjunction with Specific jobs, but even if a job is checked in Specific jobs, if it's checked here, it won't be shown.

Specific locations

If any locations are checked here, only slots with these locations will be shown.

Excluded locations

Slots with these locations will not be returned. Can be used alone in conjunction with Specific locations, but even if a location is checked in Specific locations, if it's checked here, it won't be shown.

Limit job tags

If the Job tags filter is shown under Search fields, the options in that list will be limited to only the ones checked here.

Label for job tags

If the Job tags filter is shown under Search fields, it will be labeled with this text rather than "Job tags".

Confirmation prompt

A prompt here, if any, will be shown as a checkbox on the Sign up window; the client will have to check that box to finish the signup process.

Post-signup success message

After a successful signup, this message (if any) will be shown.

Use fixed date range

Check this to set a specific date range for lookup rather than allowing the client to enter their own dates.

Start date/min days into the future

The Start date field shown to the client will not be allowed to be less than today + this number of days.

End date/default days into the future

The End date field shown to the client will start with today + this number of days.

End date/max days into the future

The End date field shown to the client will not be allowed to be more than today + this number of days.

Max results to show

Use this to limit how many results can be shown to the client.

Results columns to show

Select fields to show in the table listing of results.

Merge template for results listing

If you select a merge template here, rather than displaying the results as a table with columns, VSys Live will use that merge template to show the details about the slot. (The merge template must have a Type of "Slots".)

Merge template for calendar

When displayed as a calendar, if you specify a merge template here, it will be used to generate the content in the popup window.

Merge template for signup

If you select a merge template here, it will be used to display the content in the popup window after clicking on Sign up or More info.

Only slots:

will be available in this tool. Additionally, the client signup rule must permit the signup based on date, properties of the slot and person, etc.

Client management and signup tools in VSys Live is not part of the standard VSys Live implementation. In general, installing and configuring this option comes with an additional fee. See Advanced features for information.

See Also


Client Signup Rule

Client Notifications

Client Notifications

The details of the specific notifications you'll want to use will vary, but these are the basics.




Client confirmation after signup


Type: "Slot statuses"
Client assigned: "Client assigned"
Approval status: "Pending approval"

Client after approved


Type: "Slot statuses"
Client assigned: "Client assigned"
Approval status: "Approved"

Client rejected


Type: "Slot statuses"
Client assigned: "Client assigned"
Approval status: "Rejected"

Client after self-cancellation


Type: "Slot statuses"
Client assigned: "Client assigned"
Approval status: "Cancelled by client"

Client reminder


Type: "Slot statuses"
Client assigned: "Client assigned"
Approval status: "Approved"
Only if starting within: 5 days

Staff after signup

(automatic recipient)

Type: "Slot statuses"
Client assigned: "Client assigned"
Approval status: "Pending approval"

Staff after client cancellation

(automatic recipient)

Type: "Slot statuses"
Client assigned: "Client assigned"
Approval status: "Cancelled by client"