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Non-slot Assignments


This is the simplest type of assignment: a one-time assignment for this person doing a specific job at a fixed date, time and location.

Steps in this task

You can add a new non-slot assignment by going to a person and clicking Add from the Job assignments panel and selecting Non-slot assignment.

Linked Graphic

Field name


Job/job group

The job this person will be performing.


(optional) Where the job will be performed.


Person assigned as the supervisor for this assignment. Select (find a person) to include someone not already on the drop-down list.

Start date


Start time


End time

Editing the end time automatically updates the duration, and vice-versa.


How long this assignment will run, in hours:minutes format. Note: a single assignment cannot extend more than 23:59 (23 hours, 59 minutes.)


Normal, Excused, Not excused, Cancelled by volunteer, Cancelled by staff, Waitlisted, Pending approval and Rejected. Use these values to filter out no-shows and habitual cancellers.

People in this assignment

For people who are teams, the number of people expected to be coming on that team. This can be used for family groups as well when all members (e.g. wife, husband and child) all have the exact same assignment and will always be dealt with as a group.



In the upper-right corner, see the "Not credited" in the upper-right corner. Possible values here are:




The assignment is in the future.


Volunteer received credit for this assignment. The job, start date, and or/duration may be shown as well if they differ from the original assignment.

Signed in via kiosk

Volunteer is currently signed-in for the assignment.

Not credited

The assignment is in the past, and the volunteer never received credit for it, therefore he was likely a no-show for the assignment.

See Also

Jobs, Slots and Assignments

Job and Job Groups

Job Assignments

Job Slots

Jobs/Slots Calendar Tool

View/Edit Job Assignments

Finding Job Opportunities

Cancelling Assignments

Assignment Reminders