Report |
Description |
Variants |
Account records |
Payments, donations, items created, etc. |
Account details and summary by person, Account record details, Account summaries, Account summary by person, Account summary by person (crosstab), Survey Result Details. |
Advanced/ custom (global) |
Projects summary, Project summary with counts, Save the date, Thank-you list, Meal cards, Birthday listing, E-mail list, Kiosk user IDs |
Advanced/ custom (project) |
Delegation summaries, Entrant photos, Phone list (project), Project people report, Project people report with assignments calendar, Project people sign-in list |
Assignments calendars |
Volunteer assignments styled in a weekly or monthly calendar for posting.
Assignments calendars (RTF) |
Volunteer assignments styled in a weekly or monthly calendar for posting in an editable format. |
Assignments listings |
Volunteers assignments in a columnar format, with user-specified columns, filters, grouping and page breaks. |
Awards |
Awards details, Awards summaries |
Banned people |
All people marked as "banned". |
Basic mailing labels |
Simple mailing labels for 100s of different types of labels. Letters panel. |
Comments |
Details about comments attached to people |
Comments, Comments with images |
Configuration |
System settings, including groups, options, etc. |
Custom column |
A simplified version of custom reports where you can drag-and-drop fields to be included without having to use the report designer. |
Account records, Assignment crediting details, Assignments for next 30 days, Awards given, Hours in past 30 days, Job assignments and associations, Job associations, Kiosk user IDs, Recent transactions, Recurring assignments ending in the next 30 days, Trainings, Volunteers with DOB, kiosk and e-mail |
Custom mailing labels |
Labels that end-users can redefine. Letters panel. |
5160, 5160 with bar code, 5162, 5162 with bar code, 5163, 5163 with bar code |
Demographics |
Summarize people by most values, including custom fields. |
Directory listing |
Listing to make a directory in an RTF format. |
Exceptions, people with issues |
People who have one or more problems which might either restrict their volunteering or need special attention. |
Expiring Certifications |
List of people with certifications due to expire, of given type and date range. |
Hours |
All hours records, sorted and filtered using user options. |
Hours details, Hours details w/account records, Hours totals by volunteer, Hours totals by volunteer and job, Hours totals by volunteer w/bonus hours |
Hours summaries |
Summary report of posted volunteer hours by month, quarter, year, job, job group, person type, volunteer type, volunteer source, group (posted), group (current), delegation, project. |
Company hours summary, Group hours summary, Job hours summary, Monthly hours summary, Monthly hours summary (fiscal), Quarterly hours summary, Quarterly hours summary (fiscal), Supervisor hours summary, Volunteer source hours summary |
Interviews |
Interviews completed, Interviews this week |
Invalid Addresses |
Shows all people in system with an invalid address. |
Job associations |
Job associations, Job associations w/job details, Job associations w/o comments, Job associations w/supervisors and locations |
Job definitions/ setups |
Details and summaries about jobs and their definitions. |
Job listings, Job listings with locations, Job profiles |
Late/no-show |
See who is late or has missed an assignment. |
Mandate details |
Memberships |
Membership list (expiring), Membership list with associates, Memberships by type |
Name tags, badges and credentials |
Used to print identifying passes for volunteers. When saved, these remain associated with each volunteer. |
4-up credentials, 5095 name badges, 5095 name badges with assignments, 5160 bar code label, 5383 "My name is" name tags, 5384 credentials with assignments |
People |
Details and summaries about people in the system. |
Lengths of service by type and group, Lengths of service by volunteer type, People, People just a list of names, People including assignments calendar, People summary by group, People summary by group and type, People summary by type, group and status, People with address/phone, People with hours summaries by year, People with hours summary, People with no recent hours, Team details by group, Team summary by group, Termination details |
Phone list |
Contact information for volunteers. |
Profiles |
Demographic information on any/all people. |
Program statistics |
Strength, growth, attrition, hours, tenure |
Reference checks |
Reference checks for volunteers. |
Recurring assignments |
Recurring assignments, Recurring assignments ending |
People and their relationships to other people. |
Screening exports |
Details about specific background check records and their associated volunteers. |
Screening exceptions |
Issues with background checks. |
Screening reports |
Details about specific background check records and their associated volunteers. |
ChoicePoint, IntelliCorp, Lexis/Nexis, Manual |
Security reports |
Users report, report list with actions log |
list |
Manual sign-in lists for specific assignments. |
Slot calendars |
Calendar format of slots and times. RTF format.
Slot details |
Information about job slots (openings), including partially-filled slots, filtered by slot status. |
Slots, Slots details, Slots details by location, Slots with supervisors, Slot periods, Slot periods with supervisors, Slots with periods and volunteer details, Slots with volunteer details, Slots with volunteers and crediting status |
Slot summaries |
Summarizes job slots. |
Summary/ crosstab |
"Crosstab" reports which sum values in rows and columns that you designate. |
Account records by quarter, Active status transitions summary, Survey summaries, Volunteer counts by active status and date started |
Survey summaries |
Results of completed surveys. |
Training courses |
Training class roster, Training class summary, Training details |
Training rosters |
Who is in the training courses. |
Who's checked in |
All people currently signed in via the touchscreen/kiosk. |
Who's Late/No-show |
Lists people who are more than x amount late for a shift in a given time period. |