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Detail Filtering/Sorting


Some detail portions of reports in VSys can be filtered and sorted in custom reports. These filters/sorts apply to the detail pipelines/bands of the report rather than the primary records. For example, let's take a report based on people where you're including all of each person's upcoming trainings. The report settings will filter the people, by perhaps groups or in alphabetical order depending on how you have set it up. The detail filters let you filter and sort the training sessions - the details about the person. The detail filtering and/or sorting is separate from the report sorting.

Filtering and Sorting

To edit the filtering and/or sorting in a report, click on the Detail filtering/sorting link. (If no filtering or sorting is possible, you'll get a message saying "No detail filtering or sorting is available for this report".)

Linked Graphic

The details which can be filtered or sorted on show as tabs along the top. For each, you can choose to filter or not (Use specific filters here or Don't filter XXX).

You also have the option of requiring that each person/record have one or more of these details. In the example above, Require one or more trainings is checked. Any person who meets the report's overall criteria but does not have a training will be excluded.

Whether or not the details are filtered, they can be sorted. For example, in that report which includes each training the volunteer has, you can sort those trainings so that the most recent one comes first, the oldest the end.

Linked Graphic

These filters and sorts are saved with the report itself.

See Also

Report Concepts

Report Tools


Print Options

Built-in Reports

Loading Reports

Saving Reports