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By default, VSys One finds people in all groups. By checking one or more items under Groups, VSys will only return people who have those groups as their primary or additional groups. This will come in handy when you know the group the individual belongs to, or have fragments of their information (partial last name, incomplete address, etc).

Types of people is set to look through all types of people. If you know a person's type, select that type here. Only people who have that as their primary or additional type will show.

Selecting a Gender will limit the results to people with either the given gender, or whose gender is "Unknown".

The Exclude filter lets you remove people who are archived, deceased, inactive, placeholder, or by their active status (active, applicant, inactive, leave of absence, prospect, rejected, special, terminated). Check one or more options on this checklist to filter people based on these attributes. Note: if you check off all of the active status options, VSys will do no filtering on active status.

Team filters lets you show just teams, just non-teams (regular people) or not filter at all on this value.

On the left side of the screen, after doing a search, VSys will indicate if the filters on deceased, active status, archived, placeholder excluded any people from being displayed.

After doing a search, if two or more people are shown, VSys will show the Filter by name field on the left side. What this does is live filter the people currently shown by their name, helping you narrow down a large list of people quickly.

See Also

Finding People by their Personal Data

By Personal Information

On the right-click menu

Address, phone, e-mail

Skills, Job Preferences and Availability

Other Lookup Methods

Remembering Searches