VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Recalculate the Value of Volunteer Hours

When volunteer hours records are posted for volunteers, VSys uses the current hourly value for each job to determine the monetary value of those hours. If the value for a job was set incorrectly or not at all, this tool lets you recalculate the value based on the current hourly value rules for each job.

Steps in this task

  1. Open the Recalculate the value of volunteer hours tool from the Administrator tools panel.
    Linked Graphic
  2. Choose the date range for the hours themselves, the jobs to be updated, and whether you only want to update only hours whose current value is zero.
  3. Click Get records.
  4. VSys will show a list of all of the hours records which will be updated. Only records whose values would be changed are shown.
  5. Check or un-check records as appropriate. You can make changes to the individual records themselves by clicking on them.
  6. Click Save checked to update only the records which have checkboxes next to them, or on Save all to update all hours records.

This updates all hours records using the hourly values for their associated jobs. If you've defined past hourly values for the job, job group or system then VSys will use the appropriate hourly value based on the start date of the hours record.

See Also


Apply Certification Automatic Creation Rules

Attachments Analyzer

Automatically Create Eligibility/Intake Checklists

Backing Up Your Data

Bulk Value Updater

Check for Duplicated IDs

Check for Program Updates

Check for Zip/Postal Code Updates

Concurrent Users Monitor

Create and Manage Data Encryption Keys

Database Merge Tool

Enter VSys One Registration Codes

Find Duplicate Assignments

Fix Recurring Assignment Detail Gaps

Letters Purge Tool

License Information

Make a Local Backup of VSys One in Another Folder

Photo Resize Tool

Purge Old Trace Records

Index Update Tool

Recalculate the Bonus Hours for Volunteer Hours

Restore From a Backup

Special Table Tools

SQL Commands to Database

Table Permissions Diagnostics