VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Attachments Analyzer

The attachments table in VSys can become quite large depending on how you use e-mail attachments and personal attachments. To determine what's actually stored in this table, use the attachments analyzer. Its output will detail every stored attachment, its original size and numerous other properties.

Steps in this task

  1. Click on Attachments analyzer from the Administrator tools panel.
  2. Allow VSys to perform its analysis.
  3. At the prompt, enter the name of an Excel file to be created. This file will contain the details of all of the attachments in the VSys database.

Example output

Linked Graphic

Field name



Internal ID code of the attachment.


E-mail or Attachment. E-mail is used by a letter template to be sent with e-mails based on that template. An attachment is a file associated with one or more people.


Description entered when the attachment is used as an e-mail attachment Not applicable to attachments associated with people.




Original size of the file.


Date that the attachment was created.


A list of all people to whom this file is attached. Note that if more than one person has the identical file attached to them, the actual file is only stored once. The attachment is deleted from the database only when no one is associated with that attachment anymore.

See Also


Apply Certification Automatic Creation Rules

Automatically Create Eligibility/Intake Checklists

Backing Up Your Data

Bulk Value Updater

Check for Duplicated IDs

Check for Program Updates

Check for Zip/Postal Code Updates

Concurrent Users Monitor

Create and Manage Data Encryption Keys

Database Merge Tool

Enter VSys One Registration Codes

Find Duplicate Assignments

Fix Recurring Assignment Detail Gaps

Letters Purge Tool

License Information

Make a Local Backup of VSys One in Another Folder

Photo Resize Tool

Purge Old Trace Records

Index Update Tool

Recalculate the Bonus Hours for Volunteer Hours

Recalculate the Value of Volunteer Hours

Restore From a Backup

Special Table Tools

SQL Commands to Database

Table Permissions Diagnostics