VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Connect to a NexusDB Server

Using NexusDB Server connects to a remote or local copy of NexusDB Server, rather than using the data files directly. This is a more robust mode and allows multiple users to simultaneously access the same data. Using NexusDB Server requires that you first configure NexusDB Server itself and establish the data folder and alias. VSys One will automatically create the empty tables within your database the first time it starts up.
Linked Graphic

Field name


Server address

IP address (e.g. or name of the machine (e.g. vsysdata.myorg.com) where nxServer.exe is running.


Leave this blank to use the default port of 16000, or enter a specific port number if you've configured NexusDB Server to use a different one.

Database alias

The alias is the name that you gave the database when setting up NexusDB Server, not the folder that the files are stored in.

NexusDB Server configuration requires you to log in before accessing data

If you defined users in NexusDB Server, check this box. VSys users will be prompted for a user name and password when they connect to the database.

Note users must have READ and WRITE access to NexusDB Server for VSys One to function properly.

Default server login ID

(Optional) When users are prompted to log in to NexusDB, this ID will be provided by default.

Default server password

(Optional) The NexusDB Server password for the login above.

See Also

NexusDB Connection Settings

Work with local data files directly