VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Using Application Forms with Commercial Investigations

If you allow volunteers and prospective volunteers to sign up online (VSys Live or VSys Web), and the applications they fill out produce Commercial Investigations background check certifications, then be aware of how you define the Status field on these certifications. Once the certification's Status becomes "Ready to send" then VSys One will send that background check request to Commercial Investigations.

If you want their background checks to be sent immediately,

  1. Set the default value for the Status field to "Ready to send" in the application form (this should be a hidden field).
  2. Use a scheduled task to have VSys send these background checks on a regular basis.
  3. Ensure that either the Standalone E-mail Robot is running or that you have a scheduled task configured to run the E-mail Robot so that the applicant followup letters are delivered.

To require that someone on your staff first approve the background check request (these cost money to run), set the default value for the Status field to "On hold". VSys won't send these background checks to Commercial Investigations until you manually change their Status to "Ready to send".

See Also

Setting Up Commercial Investigations Background Checks