VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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SurveyMonkey Integration

Within VSys to enable SurveyMonkey support

  1. On the Setup panel, click on System preferences and feature enabling.
  2. Under Feature Enabling, find and check the link SurveyMonkey integration.
  3. Click Save.

When creating your SurveyMonkey survey

VSys survey definitions

Within VSys to send a survey via e-mail

Within a letter template enter:

This awkward text is made up of several elements:


Takes the text within the double brackets and makes a hyperlink out of it when the letter is merged. Note the trailing tilde "~", it and the double brackets are important.


This is the survey link provided by SurveyMonkey with "?c=" added to the end.


Represents the recipient's unique 16 digit ID code in VSys. Like any merge field it's entered by clicking on Insert... in the upper left corner. Find the Code field under Data field --> People --> Other --> Code. You can't just type this text in, you must use the Insert... link for this to work.

This creates a link in the letter with an individual's unique ID information.

See Also


Survey Details

Survey Question Details

SurveyMonkey Import