VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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SurveyMonkey Import

A survey created in SurveyMonkey can be imported into VSys. This both creates the survey and optionally imports volunteer-entered answers.

Within SurveyMonkey, to export the survey for VSys

  1. Click on the Analyze Results tab.
  2. Click on Export All.
  3. Select All responses data.
  4. Click .XLS Opens in Microsoft Excel, choose Condensed and Actual Answer Text.
  5. Click Export.
  6. Download the file when it's ready.

Within VSys to import a SurveyMonkey survey and its results

  1. On the Setup panel, click on Surveys.
  2. Click on Import from SurveyMonkey.
  3. Select the file you exported from SurveyMonkey above.
  4. If the survey doesn't yet exist in VSys, VSys will make the survey based on the data it sees in this file. VSys will give the new survey a name, you can edit that name.
  5. Optionally checking Make this an anonymous survey will make responses imported into this survey anonymous, meaning that you can't report on who responded in what way. This field is only available when the survey is first being created.
  6. Choose to import Survey definition updates only, Survey definition updates and results, or Survey results. If you're importing into an existing survey you may see the option (no results available); this means that there are no survey results in the .zip file you selected.
  7. Verify the survey analysis to see that VSys understood how the survey was defined in SurveyMonkey. If it doesn't match what you're expecting, go back into SurveyMonkey itself to change the questions and answers to match the requirements that VSys imposes here.
  8. Click Run to import the data.

Once the import has been complete, you can modify the survey's definition after VSys has created it, and giving the survey a new name is okay: VSys doesn't use the name when it tries to find the survey again in the future. Changing answers to fields may cause VSys to re-create those fields when it imports new data.

Use the Survey based reports to analyze your data.


See Also


Survey Details

Survey Question Details

SurveyMonkey Integration