VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Social Media News

News items for social media delivery do not directly support formatting and are posted only when VSys is told to do so by clicking on Deliver social media news or using a scheduled task. (Some social media sites support certain HTML tags in postings. You'll have to manually enter that formatting here for VSys to include it.)

Define news items by clicking on Add social news item, or right-click on an item to edit it.

Each news item has its own properties.


This will be used as the title on the social media site.


An inactive item will not be posted even if it's otherwise eligible.

Profiles to post to

Select one or more social media profiles to use for this news item. Note that if you select more than one profile here and VSys is only able to successfully post to some of those profiles, it will not go back and post to the failed ones even if you correct the issue with those profiles.

RSS feeds

Any VSys Live RSS feeds that this news item should appear on. (Only available if 1+ RSS feeds are defined.)


The content to be displayed in the posting.

Posting date

The item will not be posted until this date/time is reached. (VSys does not automatically post at this date/time: you need to have a scheduled task to do that.)

Website link

Optional; different social media sites will do different things with this link.

Image link

Optional; different social media sites will do different things with this link.


Shows only if VSys has already posted this news item. Clicking on Forget tells VSys to forget that it posted this item and so it will be eligible to be posted again.

See Also

Social Media

Social Media Concepts

Social Media Logins (OAuth, OAuth2)

Social Media Profiles

Social Media and Notifications