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VSys Live RSS Feeds

RSS feeds are a way for users to "subscribe" to content on your website. A VSys Live RSS feed contains notifications cc:'d to the feed, along with social news items, VSys Live news items and VSys Live calendar items which are copied to the feed.

Creating VSys Live RSS feeds

Define RSS feeds in the VSys Live sites and settings tool by clicking on RSS feeds under Advanced. Click on Add RSS feed to create a new one, click on an RSS feed to edit it or right-click on one to delete or make it inactive.


This is your description of the RSS feed.


Used as the description of the RSS feed when it's generated.


The code by which the feed can be accessed. For example, https://test5.vsyslive.com/rss/plant is the URL for the above RSS feed.

Default link

For RSS feed items that do not come with their own hyperlinks, VSys Live will use this one.


Categorization of the RSS feed itself.

Webmaster, Managing editor

E-mail contact addresses for the RSS feed (optional).

Item expiration

Any items more than this number of days old will not be shown in the RSS feed.


If checked, this RSS feed will not be available via VSys Live.

See Also

VSys Live Sites


VSys Live Global Settings

VSys Live Site Settings

VSys Live Blocks

VSys Live Images

VSys Live Agreements

VSys Live Calendar Items

VSys Live Downloadable Files

VSys Live Login Notifications

VSys Live Menus

VSys Live News Setup

VSys Live News/Calendar Item Tags

VSys Live Online Trainings

VSys Live Open Schedule Jobs

VSys Live Options

VSys Live Pages

VSys Live Recurring Assignments

VSys Live Self-Cancellation Rules

VSys Live Self-Run Reports

VSys Live Static HTML Blocks

VSys Live Suggested Jobs Criteria

VSys Live Translations

VSys Live Visibility Rules

VSys Live Walkup Check in Jobs

VSys Live Instances