VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Setting Up Verified Volunteers

To configure VSys to send and retrieve background checks from Verified Volunteers, you must first enable the option in VSys. From the Setup panel, choose System preferences and feature enabling, and then under Feature enabling check Background checks: Verified Volunteers. Once that is enabled you can configure Setup Verified Volunteers background checks from the Screening panel, under Vendor setup.

Field name


Submit requests to testing server

If checked, VSys will send request submissions to Verified Volunteers' testing server rather than production server. Note that the login credentials for the two servers will be different, as will the valid packages.

Retrieve results from VSys One servers

Verified Volunteers' servers do not support querying by VSys One or any other system. Instead, Verified Volunteers sends status updates to a designated server. That server will usually be one managed by VSys One, and when this box is checked, VSys, when retrieving results for Verified Volunteers background checks, will query VSys One's server.

Note that while VSys One's server supports Verified Volunteers sending results to it, that server strips out all identifying information from the data that Verified Volunteers sends. That is, VSys captures the request ID code, statuses and processing logs, but that captured data cannot be used to identify who the results are for. Instead, each customer's VSys One database queries the server based on the ID code of the request, and only the customer's database "knows" anything about the person that the request is associated with.

A "clear" result is good for

After retrieving a result from Verified Volunteers indicating that the volunteer is adjudicated as eligible, VSys One will update or create the Background results certification for that volunteer with an expiration date this many years in the future based on the request's original submission date.

Valid packages

Verified Volunteers will provide you with one or more "package codes". These codes are used to tell Verified Volunteer's servers, for each request, the type of screening to be done, payment method, and other settings.

Enter the packages that Verified Volunteers gives you. For each package, in the first column put the code that Verified Volunteers assigns, and in the second put a description that makes sense for you.

The package codes that you enter here will now be available within Verified Volunteers background check requests in each person's profile.

See Also

Verified Volunteers

Verified Volunteers Processing Notes