Various listings in VSys One now support right-click --> Expand all and Collapse all.
Job checklists and combo boxes now support right-click/Hide inactive jobs; combo boxes default to hiding inactive jobs.
Job checklists, when filtering and selecting the only visible job within a job group but where more than one job is actually in that job group, now does not check the job group itself.
VSys One desktop "Home screen panels" can now be edited as raw HTML.
Support setup and "Get support" tools now updated to deprecate GoToMeeting in place of WebEx.
F1 help is now launched by default in a browser instead of locally.
Added the concept of "Job connection rules". These specify, for example, that a person must have two or more of "Active job association", "At least one future assignment for job X" and "At least twenty hours in three records". The connection rule itself does *not* specify the jobs! When the connection rule is used in, for example, an online training course's specifications, the course properties include the rule and then one or more jobs. That allows the rule - which is used to specify how a person is connected to a job - to also be unconstrained by the job selection, enabling the same rule to then be used in multiple training courses, each requiring a different set of jobs but all with the same rule that says how the user must be connected to the jobs. These are enabled in various filters (available everywhere), VSys Live online trainings, regular (in-person) training courses as selected using VSys Live (the rules do not apply when an administrator manually adds someone to a course), and in VSys Live visibility rules. Note that these can be especially inefficient when used as criteria in Intellilists, even moreso when an Intellilist with these is used in VSys Live/Anywhere.
Certification definitions now have the property User description which can be used in reports/exports/etc. whenever a certification of that type is referenced.
Accounts now have the additional property Integration ID.
Added a new property to letter template sub-letters, Skip entire letter if this sub-letter is empty.
Added the concept of "Job activities", intended as activities done while performing a job, and which enable the capture of metrics and other properties as virtual hours records associated with the primary (real) hours record; these are distinct from "Activity types" which are just another form of job tag.
Added the concept of "Job checkout break prompt rules" to VSys Live and VSys Live Kiosk. When applicable at checkout, the volunteer will be prompted for a break time duration, constrained by the min & max durations in the rule, which is then subtracted from the overall hours record duration.
Added the new interview status "Exempt".
Added the new property Volunteer comments to assignments; this contains only those comments entered by volunteers during signup and/or cancellation, not any processing logs or notes.
Comment types now have the Priority property.
Contact flags now support specifying 0+ letter types that someone with that contact flag should not be sent.
In the Incoming Message Manager, replies sent via e-mail directly within VSys are now saved as letters in the sender's profile.
Incoming message types can now be configured to automatically forward incoming messages via VSys Live to specific e-mail recipients.
In the names setup tool, added the property For people, edit the alternate name directly below the name fields which, when checked, relocates the alternate name fields to the same panel as the other names.
Jobs, locations and open schedule jobs now support the property VSys Live icon.
Letter templates with sub-letters now, in some cases, support assigning default filter values to the sub-letter's contents for use in "Quick" mail merges.
On surveys, added the new reportable field Question with order, which returns the question's description as "01 - Question name".
The "Credit volunteer hours from assignments" tool now considers assignments with a zero-duration hours record to be credited; all credited assignments show the credited duration.
The Volunteer Request Tool can now be used to create open schedule jobs rather than specific job slots.
Training courses (in-person, not VSys Live online trainings) gain properties Required lists and Incompatible lists; these are only applied and enforced when used in VSys Live online signup for training courses.
When VSys Kiosk, VSys Live and VSys Live Kiosk perform automatic checkout of training checkins, now uses the For someone checked in for an assignment value to determine when the record should be checked out; all of these still always use the training course's duration as the hours record duration; added notes to the appropriate setup tools to explain this.
For job assignments, added the new reportable property Previous saved status.
Auto-checkout rules now support the setting For non-assignments, look to job's default assignment duration for the hours to credit at automatic checkout.
Added the property Cancellation date to assignments; this value is set automatically (and is read-only) when an assignment's status is changed from something that's not cancelled to one that is cancelled.
Added the new tool "SendGrid e-mail status check"; may require specific permissions beings set on the SendGrid account.
In VSys One, creating assignments or recurring assignments now allows the user to ignore underlying job requirements that would prevent the volunteer from being assigned.
The popup "compact" person lookup tool, used when adding people to job slots, training courses, etc. now excludes inactive/deceased/otherwise people unless Include inactive people is checked.
Jobs, job groups and award definitions are now subject to field transition tracking.
Reference Checks
Rebuilt the reference check system: can now specify "E-mail" or "Letter (printed)" as a delivery method; as "Letter" it does not enforce the requirement for a valid e-mail address. Generating letters can now be done for only those not yet contacted or those contacted within a date range, and can filter on method (e-mail or letter). Note that this required changes to the definition of the "Background Reference Check" certification; if certifications do not have the appropriate field, go into certification setup and revert this certification to its built-in layout.
The Result field in reference check certifications now supports the value "Completed", to which a reference check completed online using VSys Live now will be set.
Now supports overriding the certification type used in place of the built-in reference check certification.
Added the fields Title and Phone 2 to the built-in background reference check certification.
Scheduling tools
Job slots and assignments into them tool
When editing a job slots and others like it, now prompts with a list of the future slots to be affected.
Now supports filtering on advanced signup window rules, client signup rule, client assigned/not and approval status, Only show slots with 1+ assignments pending approval.
When told to send a letter to the people in a job slot, now works with letters based on assignments as well as those based on people.
Now supports filtering on slots with 1+ waitlisted volunteers.
Assignments in Select-a-start slots now show their start/end times as this can differ from the slot's times.
Jobs/slots calendar tool
Editing a job slot and others like it, the Edit this job slot --> This and future ones like it now properly propagates the Do not show for lookup on VSys Live and Max waitlist properties to the current and future slots.
Now supports printing directly to PDF format.
Supports right-clicking on a job slot and sending assignment-based letters to the volunteers in that slot.
Now shows mouseover hints for slot entrants if a slot is selected.
Both jobs/slots calendar tools now include each slot's assigned supervisor in mouseover hints.
When creating multiple job slots at once, added the option Allow creation of slots that exactly duplicate existing ones.
In Jobs/slots calendar tool (advanced), the Send volunteers a letter link now supports assignment-based letters.
Eligibility/intake checklists
Added new detailed description properties to intake checklist rules; these are available in VSys Live merge templates based on intake checklists.
Individual requirements now have the option Do not show in VSys Live merge templates.
Reports based on eligibility checklists now support the reportable fields Missing items (friendly) and Completed items (friendly).
When viewed in a person's profile, now show their percentage complete.
Criteria based on certifications, applications, interviews, attached files and trainings now support changing the type/subject/etc. of the referenced item.
Added a new VSys Web setting, When a visitor opens this site, immediately redirect them elsewhere (this is used as part of the migration process to VSys Web Advanced)
The VSys Web "View/edit pending web messages" tool now supports selecting and deleting multiple messages at once (only VSys Web, not VSys Web Advanced).
VSys Kiosk
If a single language is supported, when the kiosk starts it will start in that language.
Checking in as an unnamed team for a walkup checkin job or job association now prompts for team count if the Un-named member count in the person's profile is two or more.
Scheduled tasks
Scheduled task groups can now specify allowed and/or disallowed IP addresses with netmasks.
Running VSys with the runschedule command line option is now not impeded by a user being in the scheduled task setup tool.
Notification subscriptions
Subscription in general
Can now be reassigned to other "virtual" subscribers or to a specific person.
Now support restricting by week of month and month of year.
Now support the expansion helper "All supervisors of the referenced person".
Now support numerous additional properties of people including custom fields.
Many now support the property Also send to all defined supervisors for the underlying job which sends the generated notification to each person explicitly defined as a supervisor in the job referenced by the trigger object (assignment, job association, hours record, job slot) or its job group.
Many now support Excluded jobs and Excluded locations as filters.
Many subscriptions that don't use expansion helpers (e.g. "Others in slot", "Via group relationship", "All defined supervisors for a job", etc.) now support the setting Also send to designated alternates of the recipient.
Added new virtual subscriber "Client".
"New training record" now support the filter Selected via VSys Live; note that this filter is only useful when the training is selected using VOXI
"Assignment statuses" and "Self-cancelled assignments" now support the filter Previous statuses.
"New assignment" and "Assignment status" now support the setting Skip recurring assignment details.
"New interview" now supports filtering on Last changed date.
"New job association" now supports filtering on whether or not the job association was self-selected via VSys Live.
Added "Volunteer missed consecutive assignments".
Subscriptions that require the target person to be on lists now interpret that as "Any of these lists" rather than "All of these lists".
"VSys Live application" or "VSys Live application approval link" now include a note in the logs about notifications not generated due to the lack of an appropriate subscriber, esp. if the subscriber is "automatic recipient".
"Volunteer missed assignments" now resets itself whenever a new assignment is missed. For example, if a volunteer has missed five assignments and a notification is sent, that same subscription will not result in a new notification about this condition until a newer assignment is missed; before this it would effectively never re-trigger. Use the Only if no one else has been notified in the last... filter to limit how often this re-notification can happen.
"Volunteer with no recent hours" now resets itself whenever a more recent hours record is posted for a volunteer. For example if a volunteer has no hours in the past 30 days and a notification is created based on this, no new notification will be triggered when this subscription is run at 31 days, 50 days, 99 days, etc. But if a new hours record is posted for that volunteer, then the event will trigger 30 days past that last hours record's date.
When viewing notifications, now defaults to not filtering to display only those not yet delivered; when opening notifications for a specific person, now defaults to loading 30 days' worth of notifications rather than 5 days.
Delivery by e-mail now properly make the "X-NotificationID" line very small and in white text.
If the subscription associated with a given notification has been made inactive, the notification is now marked as "Abandoned" and not delivered.
Merge templates
Support embedding image fields such as a person's photo, RTF properties of people.
Embedding of images is now always permitted rather than requiring a special setting.
Notifications with 1+ images in them now use image reduction to minimize the size of the saved text.
Images embedded in notification merge templates (even the static ones previously permitted) are now properly delivered by e-mail when sent individually or consolidated.
New events/triggers
"VSys Live auto-checkout not run".
"Interview status"; this trigger, unlike others, can return interviews in the past.
"Reference check statuses".
"Automatic checkout".
"SendGrid e-mail status check"; this generates one notification for all events of a specific type on a given day.
Events based on application status now support the "Primary supervisor" virtual subscriber.
Events based on applications can now optionally include with them - when e-mailed - certain attachments from the submitted application.
Events based on attachments now support filtering on attachment status.
Events based on certifications, when exactly one certification type is selected, can now use "deep" filters based on the properties of the certification, and can now include detailed properties of the certification via the template.
Events based on transitions now support primary supervisor as a recipient.
"New hours" can now filter those hours based on job tags.
"New Interview" now only returns interviews which have an interviewee assigned; now supports filtering on the interview's Result property.
"New job association", when the subscriber is "(automatic recipient)", now will also include any additional notification recipients defined in the open schedule job (if applicable) which generated the job association.
"Slot needs people" can now be filtered based on the High priority status of the job slots.
"Slots needing volunteers" is renamed to "Slot statuses/slots needing volunteers"; adds support for filtering on client signup rule, client assigned or not, and slot approval status; gets the new property, Re-notify if the waitlisted assignments change.
"Trainings expiring" now support not notifying if the training has been replaced by a newer one with the same subject and a later expiration date) than the current one.
"Volunteer missed assignment": updated to deal with fractional days, e.g. "Missed between 4 hours ago and 1 hour ago"; added the reportable fields Missed job, Earliest missed, Earliest missed time, Latest missed, Latest missed time.
Bulk Value Updater
When used for addresses, now supports filtering on the presence/absence/status of different phone types.
When assigning the value of one field to another, and the source field's value is blank/null, and there's a min/max constraint on the target field's values, now permits the effective blanking of the target field despite those min/max constraints.
When updating recurring assignments, can now specify the value "Do not recalculate detail assignments".
Job definitions now support setting the Associated accounts/outcomes property.
Index Updater
Added the tools:
List definition flags.
Optimize option definitions.
Update user code mappings for VSys Live images.
Check for attachments that are compressed but not flagged as such.
Invalid field values.
Update security roles to match those in security rights.
Filtering on security roles now uses a different mechanism (100x+ faster!)
Filters for hours and completed assignments now support "Only jobs not tagged as" based on the job tags associated with the underlying jobs.
Filters on certifications (when used to filter people, not certifications) now support the property Only if not expired.
Added new filters, "Security roles", "Any survey response", "Primary group at any point during date range" and "Primary type at any point during date range".
Added the concept of disabled filters.
Added "Consecutive missed assignments".
"Assignments" now supports requiring or preventing the referenced assignments from being recurring assignment details.
"Automatically checked out assignments" is renamed to "Automatically checked out hours records" to reflect the fact that the filter applies to any checkin whether based on assignments, open schedule jobs, job associations, etc.
"Certifications" now supports requiring that the person have a specific count of those matching certifications; can now be filtered based on Last updated.
"Custom field" string and memo values can now be filtered by Equals and Does not equal with optional case-sensitivity.
"Hours volunteered" and "Completed assignments/hours records" now support filtering based on job tags associated with the underlying jobs.
"Job assignment and/or job association" now supports filtering on location.
"Relationships" now hides relationships inapplicable to people, e.g. those solely associated with groups.
"Survey response" is now renamed "Survey specific response" and no longer offers to filter based on anonymous surveys; these had been were previously allowed in the editor but anonymous responses are never filterable based on actual values.
Verified Volunteers
Added the aggregate API results retrieval model; removed support for previous retrieval methods.
Setup now supports enabling logging of raw results from VV for later diagnostics.
A Verified Volunteers background check request with a status of Cancelled now no longer accepts any changes retrieved from Verified Volunteers.
Various updates to Verified Volunteers background check results including the new field Has 'Clear'.
In listings of certifications with a profile, for Verified Volunteers checks, now shows the values "E-mail status", "Has consider" and "Has unperformable" in the "Other" column.
Advanced Preferences
When setting up jobs, show the "Locations" column; if not checked, the jobs setup tool now suppresses the "Locations" column by default
Enable reporting on volunteer type based on the volunteer's type on the hours record's start date; when enabled, Volunteer type becomes a reportable property of the hours record itself and VSys attempts to populate that field when crediting hours by using transitions to determine what a person's volunteer type was as of the start date on the hours record.
In Program Statistics Reports, don't show account record summaries with dollar signs.
When creating a new person, default to allowing web self-entry of hours; when checked, a newly-created person is assumed to be able to self-enter hours.
When setting up jobs, hide the "Job ID" property.
Enable "slot series" where signup is for the first slot but volunteer gets assignments for all slots in series.
Associate addresses with job slots.
When reporting on a person's primary supervisor, allow reporting deep detail fields for that supervisor.
In HTML-based letter templates, hide font editor; if checked, when editing an HTML letter template, the font combo box is hidden.
Only allow HTML-based letter templates.
When creating multiple job slots, don't auto-match slots against existing assignments immediately; when checked and creating 100+ job slots at once, VSys will not try to find existing assignments which match those job slots; this is usually set for performance reasons.
System preferences
Now supports renaming or hiding of the User text 1, User text 2 and User text 3 fields as applied to job definitions.
Now supports Setting the max # days in the future that availability can be defined for, both manually entered and imported via IFI.
Added an option to tell VSys to consider people on one or more specific lists to be considered supervisors just as if they were manually added via the "Supervisor setup" tool.
Added an option to disable certain job assignment status codes.
Added the option When creating a new job, use this as the template. When set, and the user manually creates a new job in VSys One or Anywhere (but not using IFI), the properties of that template job are assigned to the newly-created job before it's edited.
Added the option In job definitions, only allow people on these lists as supervisors. This refers to the Consider people on these lists to be supervisors setting, and if checked, the job setup tools (VSys One and Anywhere) will limit the options for supervisors to only people on one or more of these lists.
Added the option Don't automatically calculate the field 'Mailing dear' if it's empty; if this is checked and the explicit Mailing dear field in someone's profile is blank, VSys will fall back to using the person's first name alone instead of trying to combine their name prefix (generating this automatically if not present) with their last name.
Security Manager
Prevents adding an inactive role to a person unless that person already has the role.
When already opened by one user, a second and later user can now open it in read-only mode.
Supports right-clicking on a user to send a letter.
When a user account is opened, now indicates if that user's profile is other than active, is deceased, banned and/or archived.
When importing security, now will not assign an import reference ID or person number to a person if that value is already in use by someone else.
Added a new property to security users, Password never expires. When checked, that user is exempt from password change frequency requirements.
When giving a role or a user rights to people based on the job associations of the target person, added new options.
VSys Security roles now indicates the user code (if any) and default tool profiles for each role.
Now hides the "Last login" column by default (acquiring this data can be very slow); clicking the link Update last logins will load and show that column.
Added two license auditing tools.
Job associations
Added the statuses "Applicant" (considered to be inactive for the purposes for job signup and other tasks that require an active job association), "Prospect", "Not placed", "Placed", "Pending volunteer acceptance".
Object renaming can now be used to change the names of job association statuses.
In reports based on job associations, hours summary fields for the job in that job association are now available.
SMTP E-mail Robot
Now notes any cc: and/or bcc: recipients in the send log for a letter after delivery.
When checking SendGrid results, can now use "alternate behavior" for SSL negotiation.
Now supports clipboard transport of settings.
When delivering an e-mail with an attachment without a seemingly-valid file extension, now attempts to add that extension to the file.
Job definitions
Added the new property, No self-checkin on VSys Live.
Now support having a job get its accounts/outcomes properties from its job group
Added reportable fields for jobs, Requires job association, No mileage tracking, Default miles, VSys Live: Self-entry of hours, VSys Live: No self-checkin, Supports clients, Kiosk self-entry of hours, Count taken by others (which returns one less than the field Count taken).
When reporting on job definitions or using the Bulk Value Updater for job definitions, can now filter on custom field values associated with the job definition.
Job definitions can now specify that their VSys Live/VSys Web/Kiosk hours self-entry can be derived from their job group.
When VSys Live and slot waitlisting is enabled, individual jobs now have the property No slot waitlists; this prevents these specific jobs from waitlist signup in VSys Live.
Jobs definitions are now subject to field transition tracking.
Job groups
Add the property VSys Live description.
Now support limiting the custom fields which will be shown for job slots associated with jobs in those job groups
Job group definitions are now subject to field transition tracking.
Added the concept of Coverage slots, slots that run for an extended time (many days) and for which volunteers sign up for limited periods; individual assignments are not expected to cover the entirely duration of the slot, and 100% coverage of the slot as a whole based on the assignments into it is not required.
Communities served is now a property of job slots
Added a setup feature, "Slot job description overrides". When enabled, job slots can be individually given descriptions that, in most places, will display either in place of or in conjunction with the name of the underlying job.
Added the new property, "User code" (only available in reports, exports, bulk value updater, etc.)
Job slots can now be renamed using the Object Renaming tool.
Recurring slots now support selecting specific months of the year.
Reports based on job slots, when referencing the client associated with a slot, can now include fields based on the client's emergency contact address.
In reports based on slots, the field Assigned volunteers is now available; it's a delimited list of all volunteers who are assigned to this slot with active-like statuses.
Open schedule jobs
Added the property When shown in VSys Live, show details from the job; when you select something other than "(use details here)", the Details field should resolve to the appropriate field from the underlying job instead of the local value; if the job doesn't have a value in that field, the details from the open schedule job itself will be used.
Now support options for Signup application, Requested site, Requested department and Handler; these are applied when the open schedule job is fed to a VSys Live application for a not-logged-in user.
Setup now supports right click --> Get permalink.
Added the new VSys Live site setting, New open schedule job template; any open schedule job created for that site will start out as a copy of that template.
Lists, Intellilists
Intellilists, when set to only recalculate after some period of time, now have the option of being loaded and cached in VSys Live; when this is enabled for a list and any VSys Live tool checks a person's presence on an Intellilist, if the Intellilist's contents have been calculated and saved within the caching period, VSys Live will use the saved presence on the list instead of re-checking the person. The downside to this is that where VSys Live would previously check only that single person's eligibility based on the list rules, it will, in this configuration, fully calculate all members of the list.
Lists now have the property Hidden in filters, too" if 'Inactive' is checked.
Ownership tags for a list can now be changed via right-click.
Supports archive/dearchive of multiple lists at once.
Intellilist setup now includes the link Show Intellilist times.
Intellilists, when the first operation is a "Remove" or "Intersect" rather than "Add", now assume that the user intended to first start with every person in the system.
Translation, localization
Translation search/replace now supports making individual translations inactive.
Object renaming now supports renaming options such as "Skills", "Job preferences", "Restrictions", etc..
Profile editor
Listings of certifications and background checks now show the number of attached documents.
Mouseover hints for interview show any comments associated with those interviews.
On the list of hours records, the column "Miles" is now available.
Only changing someone's status to "Inactive", "Terminated", "Rejected", "LOA", "Retired", "Resigned" and "Never started" will prompt to cancel future assignments, trainings and job associations.
When summarizing a person's hours, now includes fiscal summaries if appropriate.
Now supports showing a list of the surveys that a person responded to (actual responses are only available in reports, and then only for non-anonymous surveys).
Added new property, Inactive comment; this is available only when the person is given a status considered to be inactive
Added new property to addresses, Country code.
Added new property, cc: all e-mails to. When set to a comma-delimited list of e-mail addresses, all e-mails and notifications that this person would receive are automatically cc:'d to all of the e-mail addresses on this list.
The Integration ID and Timeclock employee ID properties of people are now tracked as transitioned values.
When viewing a person's hours, virtual hours now show nested within their parent hours and are appropriately editable.
Revised how custom fields are displayed and edited.
Interactive File Importer
Added the ability to flag a field as "(intentionally not mapped)".
Added the advanced system preference In the Interactive File Importer, show fields in their original order instead of alphabetically.
Supports adding an optional offset value that is prepended to the Import reference ID field during lookup and creation of people.
Includes a User comments link (left hand side) for users to leave comments to themselves for later use
Awards-based modes support the option Default award status.
Modes for assignments and slots support the option for Default location.
Logs events and errors in the \VSys\logs directory as plain text files.
The person lookup module now, if the search comes up with exactly one person, and exactly one person matched on e-mail address, considers the match to be unambiguous and will not prompt for user confirmation.
Can now convert a dBase file to Excel.
Data formats
Supports importing from Excel 2007 (.xlsx) files; this is considered experimental.
Opening a dBase file where there should be a .dbt file but it's missing, now shows an error
When used with dBase files, grudgingly accepts integer and float values as date/datetime values when appropriate.
Improved the handling of the detection/validation of Excel files.
When importing date/time values from string-based fields, accepts RFC 822 section 5.1 formatted values, e.g. "24 Oct 2012 03:41 PM".
When looking for time values (especially durations), now interprets a value of "4", for example, as four hours instead of four days.
New import modes
"Add comments to people".
"Add interviews not yet associated with people", used to create interviews in bulk that are not associated with an interviewee.
"Attach multiple awards to people at once" (a comma-delimited list of awards in a single field).
"Training courses" (creates training courses).
Can now optionally use the Slot user code field which, if present and valid, directly matches the new assignment to a specific job slot.
Supports module-specific option Allow overlap with existing assignments.
Now supports the field Recurring description with values such as "Saturday, 9am-noon" and "M-F 9:00-2pm".
Now supports the property Prevent bulk/automatic extension when creating recurring assignments.
Supports module-specific options Default folder for attachments and Allow duplicate attachments.
Supports setting 0+ regular expression-based comparison values which, when matched, cause the comment to be ignored.
Can now auto-create comment types as appropriate.
Supports an explicit Job group field.
Supports blank/zero durations.
Supports the option Don't check for duplicate hours.
Allows importing of the Posted date.
Supports importing custom field values for hours records.
Job associations
Supports the module-specific option Default status for the job association.
Supports importing custom field values for job associations.
Job definitions
Supports the additional fields Kiosk self-entry of hours, VSys Live self-entry of hours, and Ownership tags.
If a job ID is provided and does not match an existing job, the importer will now not try to match by job group and description.
Supports importing fields Address line x, Country, Country code and Website.
Supports the module-specific options Default status, Default group and Default person type.
Supports the module-specific options Do not require matching training to a course, When matching to a course, require match on start time, and Automatically create courses as needed.
Reports and exports can now be run on the basis of addresses and (most) setup option types.
VSys Web applications now better detect the possible capture of SSN values and prohibit it. (Remember that VSys Web is on a shared server and not encrypted!)
Within custom application forms setup, dynamic layout applications can be opened in read-only mode.
Application forms now support the new properties Client signup (used to mark the application as used only for client signup, never for client signup, or don't care) and Open schedule jobs ("Only for open schedule job signup", "Never for open schedule job signup", "Don't care").
The custom applications setup tool now displays the last changed date/time for each application layout and now supports right-click --> See tracked changes.
Dynamic layout applications now do not support adding "HTML label" fields; these are deprecated in favor of basic labels with HTML content.
VSys Live applications now have the property Send thank you e-mail; when checked, an e-mail with the subject, sender and content (content is a merge template) will be immediately sent to the applicant's e-mail address; note that this letter is not a "notification", it's a letter and thus does not count as a previous notification when actual notifications are run.
Added the property Don't show on menus or in listings as.
Added the property Notification automatic recipients; these automatic recipients are used in any notification subscription for "VSys Live applications" going to the virtual subscriber "(automatic recipient)".
When synchronizing with VSys Web, VSys would previously not push up any applications more than 90 days past their Last date to show; this logic now only applies if there are 100+ VSys Web application layouts.
Application Approval Manager
Redesigned to allow additional arbitrary select criteria; note that these criteria are applied to the applicant and not the application: that means that, for example, a filter on skills requires that the person have the skills selected, not that the skills be chosen on the application being shown.
Now shows the descriptions and statuses of any attachments uploaded with an application.
Now supports filtering by open schedule job; can now right-click on an application and change the associated open schedule job
Supports showing any open schedule job selected with each application.
Mouseover hints for applications now include counts of comments by type for both the application and person.
Supports editing the applicant in new window.
Right-clicking on an application and selecting Attachments now allows changing the status of attachment here which are also attached directly to the person; updating the status assigns the new status to the attachment both for the application and the person.
Removed/deprecated features and tools
Removed support for various social media tools.
Removed the integrated support tool and GoToAssist.
Removed residual support for Commercial Investigations, Intellicorp and First Advantage background checks.