Normally your site will be set to disallow login by inactive, retired, or other volunteers who are no longer working with you based on the settings on the Login panel in the site's General site settings. Don't change those rules! Instead decide, for those who are disallowed by those rules, who should be allowed to return - or at least who should have the limited access we're setting up here.
When someone logs into VSys Live, VSys checks:
Do they meet the login requirements? If yes, they continue normally and the settings here don't apply.
Don't meet the login requirements, but do meet the "inactive but eligible for return" requirements? VSys lets them log in, subject to the restrictions below.
Don't meet either requirements? VSys prevents their logging in altogether.
Decide what your criteria should be. Specific person types? Groups? Statuses? Need an Intellilist? A volunteer is considered "inactive but eligible for return" if they do not meet the site's login requirements but do meet these other criteria.
Create a visibility rule. Visibility rules are used to control who sees various things in VSys Live based on simple or complex criteria. To hide, for example, VSys Live dashboard from inactive volunteers, create a visibility rule. Set Logged in as inactive but eligible for return to Not logged in as inactive but eligible for return leaving most other fields as No requirement. Apply this visibility rule to the dashboard on the home page, or to custom calendars, entire pages, etc.
Use your visibility rule(s) to limit what tools and information they see in "My info" or other places using that visibility rule.
If the normal "home" page for logged-in users has a lot of things on it that you don't want to hide/show individually, or if you want to have a special page for returning volunteers, optionally make a whole page for them. This page could then contain special instructions for them with links to the appropriate applications. (You may want to start with a copy of the normal "home" page and edit from there.) This page will be automatically shown to volunteers signed in using these rules.
Optionally create a VSys Live menu for these volunteers. VSys Live shows the standard page menu on all pages, including the one for online applications. You can use visibility rules to show/hide items on this menu, or you can create a separate menu just for them.
Enable all of these:
In your VSys Live site's General site settings, on the Feature enabling tab, check Enable "Inactive but eligible for return" mechanism for returning but currently inactive volunteers.
On the General site settings panel, optionally set the Root page for inactive but eligible for return visitors to the one you created above.
On the Inactive but eligible for return panel, set Required statuses, Required types, etc. These define who is eligible for this process. A very simple setting here - that may very well fit your needs - would be to set Required statuses to Inactive, Leave of absence, Retired, Resigned and leave everything else blank. (These usually represent non-negative reasons for separation.)
On that same panel, optionally set Override page menu to the menu you created above. A volunteer logged in this way will see this menu on all pages regardless of the menu otherwise set for those pages individually.
Someone who is Banned or Deceased in VSys is ineligible to use this: they're always locked out of VSys Live no matter what settings you use!
Just because VSys Live is showing a specific page to returning people doesn't mean that other pages aren't accessible if the volunteer knows their links. If you want to make something truly inaccessible to an inactive, returning volunteer, apply a visibility rule to it.
VSys Live action links such as hours entry, job lookup, training lookup, etc. are always inaccessible to these volunteers; the only exception is the Update password (new) tool action link.
Note that the VSys Live/Anywhere Password Reset tool isn't locked out for these volunteers since when it's time to use that tool, they're not actually logged in yet.