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Job Associations


Job associations are not assignments, rather they indicate that a person is "connected" to a job. This lets you mark a person as someone who does a specific job, and give them the status of "Active", "Inactive", "Substitute" or "Other". This tool will automatically create or update job associations when a person is credited with hours.

How to use

Open the Job associations setup tool from the Job associations link on the Setup panel.

Linked Graphic

Field name


Use date ranges

If checked, job associations will have start and end dates, if not, they only have job, status and comments.

When crediting hours within the last

Affects the options below, which only take effect if the hours being entered are within this time period of today.

If an existing job association exists, and it's marked as "Inactive", mark it as "Active"

If the person has a job association for this job, and it's currently marked as "Inactive", VSys will update it to "Active".

If no existing job association exists, create one

If the person has no job association for this job, VSys will create one and mark it as "Active".

Update end date to the hours date

Sets the end date of an existing job association to the date of the hours record plus the number of days you specify.

Only automatically create/update these jobs

The above rules only apply to these jobs.

But not these jobs

If any jobs are on this list, excludes them from the above actions even if the job is checked under "Only automatically create..."

Use supervisors

Checking this allows the entry of a supervisor for each job association. These supervisors can then be sorted, filtered and reported on.

Use locations

Checking this allows the specification of a location for each job association. These locations can then be sorted, filtered and reported on.

See Also


System Preferences


Archived Reasons

Awards Types

Banned Reasons

Bonus Hours

Certification/Background Check Hints


Comment Types

Contact Flags

Custom Fields

Custom Sports


Group Types


Inactive Reasons

Interview Types

Job Preferences

Job and Job Groups


Mandate Types

Membership Types

Name Prefixes

Name Setup Options

Object Renaming

People Types

Placeholder People

Project Groups

Special Requests/Needs

Supervisors Setup



Volunteer Sources

Volunteer Types

Walkup Checkin Jobs