VSys lets you have multiple addresses of the same kind for the same person, such as a person who has two business addresses. In this case, you should flag one of them as the primary address in order for mail to go to that address. If you have more than one address of a particular kind and neither of those addresses is flagged as primary, then when you select that kind of address to use in your reports and mailing labels, VSys will use an arbitrary address of that kind.
Field name |
Description |
Preferred SMS/text message |
This is the preferred mobile/cell number for a volunteer to receive an SMS/text message. |
Preferred e-mail address |
This is the preferred e-mail address for a volunteer to receive an e-mail message. |
Kind |
Click on the link next to the Kind field and select the new kind of address you want. For example, if you added a new home address and you want to change it to a business address, click this link to change it. |
Click on this link to mark the address as the primary address, valid all year long, valid only between specific dates, or invalid altogether. If the address is invalid (or not valid on the current date), VSys won't use it in mailings and reports. |
Comments |
Comments that you may need to associate with this address. |
Copy to Clipboard |
Copies the address to the clipboard where it can be pasted into another application. |
Contact |
Optional, the name of the contact person at this address. Most commonly used for emergency contact addresses. |
Relationship |
Only available for emergency contact addresses, indicates the relationship of the person to the emergency contact. |
(edit sharing) |
If a volunteer shares an address with another volunteer, you can connect the two addresses from this link. Note: Depending on your settings, this will share all information - address, comments, status, phone and e-mail - or may exclude the phone numbers and e-mail addresses. This setting is configured in the System Preferences menu in the Advanced section. |
Address |
Street address only. |
City |
State/province |
Zip/postal |
If you enter a zip/postal code while the City and State/province fields are empty, and VSys understands that zip code, VSys will automatically populate the City and State/Province fields for you. Holding your mouse over this field will pop up a small hint with the county associated with the zip/postal code if VSys can determine that automatically. Note: if zip/postal codes cross counties in your area, this may not be accurate. |
Country |
You can also enter e-mail addresses in the phone number fields by setting their Kind to E-mail. |
The Preferred SMS/text message and Preferred e-mail address fields apply to all addresses. They apply to the person, not an individual address. A person can have only one Preferred SMS/text message phone number and one Preferred e-mail address.
When your cursor is in any of the address fields, hitting the F2 key brings up a prompt for a postal/zip code. Entering one here will fill the City, State/province and Zip/postal fields automatically if VSys knows this postal/zip code. If this does not work, ask your Administrator to update your zip code tables from the Administrator tools panel.
Phone numbers
Adding, changing and deleting addresses
An address of type Emergency contact will never be used by VSys for mailings unless it's specifically selected in that mail merge.
Preferred SMS/text messages
Preferred e-mail address