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Certifications are groupings of values which are stored together. They may have effective and/or expiration dates and statuses. They can be used as filters, as the basis of reports, and as requirements for the touchscreen/kiosk. Examples of certifications include Education/employment, General Release, General Medical Release, and Volunteer Experience. The Certifications panel shows all of the certifications entered for this person. Edit a certification by clicking on it, enter a new certification by clicking on the Enter a new certification link, or edit, view and delete individual certifications by right-clicking on them individually.

Certifications can be configured under Certifications on the Setup panel on the VSys One main screen.

The values in the columns Status, Result and Other can be configured by your administrator to show any of the fields within the certification.

Some certifications may only be configured to be available for specific types of people. If you're trying to add a certification to someone and that type is not showing, check with your administrator.

In This Section


See Also

Profile Editor

Personal data

Additional data


Job associations



Skills, needs and preferences




Custom Fields

Background checks

Custom Application Forms

Letters sent


Volunteer Hours





Account records


Credentials Printed

Web/touchscreen (kiosk)

Portrait Photo



We have a volunteer, David Donovan, who worked with us once before on an annual fundraising event. Mr. Donovan has decided to become more involved in our ongoing work. He would like to provide counseling and comforting services to families of critically ill patients at the hospital. This volunteer position does not require a clinical license to provide this service, but it does require relevant experience, a background check, a personality profile and interview with one of the medical center psychiatrists to evaluate his aptitude for this work, and some medical center policy and procedure training.

I'll use the Certifications panel in the Profile Editor to enter Mr. Donovan's personal background and experience. With his personal data displayed, I open the Certifications panel. I see that he already has a General Release from his previous volunteer work with the hospital. I click that certification to view the details of it, and I click the Back button to return to the Certifications panel.

To enter his personal background information, I click the link to Enter a new certification, and choose Personality Profile. After completing the pertinent fields, I click the Save button. I now see that his Personality Profile has been added to his list of certifications.

I also need to enter his education and work history. I click the link to Enter a new certification, and choose Education/Employment. When I'm done entering the information I click the Save button.