VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Account Records Panel

Accounts are a list of transactions, think of them like entries in your checkbook or savings account. You can use accounts to track donations of money, in-kind items (baby items donated, books given) or even outcomes like patients visited or meals delivered.
Account Records panel in the Profile Editor

Click on the Add account record link to add new values, right-click on existing ones to delete or edit them. You can right-click on any account record to send a letter to the person if you have any Letter templates set up which are based on account records. The Summary link gives you a lifetime overview of this person's accounts history.
Account Records summary window

See Also

Profile Editor

On the left navigation bar

Personal data

Portrait Photo


Additional Data Panel

Special requests/needs, Restrictions, Exclusions

Addresses Panel

Alerts Panel

Application Forms Panel

Assignments Panel

Availability Panel

Awards Panel

Background Checks Panel

Certifications Panel

Comments Panel

Credentials Panel

Custom Fields Panel

Eligibility/Intake Checklists Panel

Hours Panel

Incoming Messages Panel

Interviews Panel

Job Associations Panel

Letters, E-mails and Messages Panel

Mandates Panel

Memberships Panel

Relationships Panel

Trainings Panel

Transitions Panel

VSys Web/VSys Live/VSys Kiosk Panel

Unique Web User IDs