VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Automatic Checkout

When a volunteer doesn't check out at the end of her shift, VSys can automatically do that for her based on your rules.
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No automatic checkout

If checked, hides the other options here and the VSys Kiosk will not check anyone out automatically.

For someone checked in for an assignment...

For volunteers checked in for an assignment, if they go this far past their assignment's end without checking out, credit them with their assignment's duration or a fixed number of hours.

For someone checked in without an assignment

For volunteers checked in without an assignment, if they go this far past their check in time without checking out, credit them with a fixed number of hours.

After automatically checking someone out, send them a kiosk message

If a volunteer has been automatically checked out for a reason other than back-to-back assignments, this option will send them a kiosk message telling them that they were checked out. Note this option merges to the built-in Kiosk auto-checkout note letter template, or any other letter template based on Hours. If you do not see this option, go to the Letters/e-mails panel, then click on Letter templates and load this letter template from the built-in templates.

See Also

Kiosk Settings

Export/Import Kiosk Settings

Kiosk Setup Basics

Kiosk Appearance

Kiosk Languages

Login IDs/PINs

Login Requirements


Check in/check out

Reports From the Kiosk



Bulk Swipe/Scan Tool