VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Check in/check out

You can allow your volunteers to check in for jobs even if they don't have an assignment and if walkup check in jobs aren't configured.
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For people with assignments, how early can they check in for their assignment

Allows check in for an assignment no more than this long before the assignment's start time.

They're associated with

Lets volunteers check in for a job if they have an Active job association with that job.

They have previous assignments within

Lets volunteers check in for a job if they have an assignment for this job within the given time period.

They have credited hours within

Lets volunteers check in for a job if they have a completed assignment for this job in the given time period.

Allow volunteers to switch jobs while checked in

If checked, when a volunteer enters her PIN at the kiosk, is currently checked in, and she has at least one other job that she's allowed to check in for, she'll be given the option of switching jobs. (This is more convenient than requiring that she check out of her current assignment then go back in to check in for the next one.)

At check in, allow checkout at a time in the future

If a job is set with a duration, this allows the volunteer to checkout when he checks in. This way he does not have to return to the kiosk at the end of the shift.

After selecting a job to check in for...

Controls how long the job confirmation window stays up, and what happens if the volunteer does not click on any buttons.

Show a message to volunteers after they check in for jobs

Any text entered here will be shown to the volunteer after she's checked in for a job. Use this for general reminders that need to be shown to all volunteers.

For people without assignments, how many hours can they be checked in for a job

When a volunteer is checked in using a job association or history, set this to limit how long they can be checked in for that job. If this value is not 00:00, no other automatic checkout rules have checked them out, and a volunteer is checked in for longer than this duration, VSys will check the volunteer out when the volunteer has been checked in for this long.

Round checkout and self-entered hours durations

"Down to nearest" - Takes durations and rounds them down. For example, "Down to nearest" / "15" would round a 2:35 minute duration down to 2:30.

"No adjustments" - Leaves the volunteer's exact duration unchanged.

"Round to the nearest" - Takes durations and rounds them up or down to the nearest multiple, whichever is closer. For example, "Round to nearest" / "15" would round 2:35 down to 2:30 but 2:39 up to 2:45.

"Up to the nearest": Takes durations and rounds them up to the nearest multiple.

Note that if the "Down to nearest" or "Round to nearest" is selected and would result in the hours duration becoming zero, the hours will be posted as their actual, unadjusted duration.

Enable tokens

Checking this enables the use of kiosk tokens, used to check out pendants, radios, or other devices.

When checking out...

When the volunteer checks out of her job, let her specify how long she's been working rather than just the time she's leaving.

Close "Thank you for checking in" after

Setting this to other than zero changes how long it takes before VSys closes the "Thank you" message shown to volunteers after signing in for a job.

Close "Thank you for checking out" after

Setting this to other than zero changes how long it takes before VSys closes the "Thank you" message shown to volunteers after checking out of an assignment.

See Also

Kiosk Settings

Export/Import Kiosk Settings

Kiosk Setup Basics

Kiosk Appearance

Kiosk Languages

Login IDs/PINs

Login Requirements


Automatic Checkout

Reports From the Kiosk



Bulk Swipe/Scan Tool