VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Bulk Certifications Creator

The Bulk certifications creator tool looks similar to the Bulk value updater but instead of updating existing things it creates new certifications given your criteria. From the User tools panel, under Bulk update/create tools then Bulk certifications creator.

Steps in this task

  1. Select a Certification type.
  2. Choose a Rule:
    "Create only if certification not already present": if this person already has a certification of this type, VSys won't make another for that person.
    "Always create certification": regardless of whether or not the person has one of these certifications, VSys will add a new one. For certifications whose specifications indicate that only one is allowed per person, VSys will not add a second or later certification.
  3. Edit certification data. Here you can define the values of many of the fields which will be inserted into the new certification.
  4. Select the criteria for the people to get these certifications.
  5. Click on Get eligible people. This brings up a list of people who meet your criteria above.
  6. If these are the right people, check some or all of them, then click on Run. VSys will create the certifications and give you a log of what it did.

Use the Load/save settings link to save the settings you've used here for future use, or to re-use settings that you've saved in the past.

See Also


Certifications Setup

Certification Definitions

Certification Designer

Special Field Codes

Certification Defaults

Certification/Background Check Hints

Automatically Creating Certifications for New People