VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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VSys Live Page

A VSys Live page can be accessed via the visitor's browser and can be linked to using menus and hyperlinks from other web pages.

The regions shown above are just examples. The actual regions available will vary depending on the layout used in your install of VSys Live.




This description will show in the title of the visitor's web browser.


If checked then this page cannot be viewed in a browser. VSys Live will return a 404 error if someone tries to access it.

Page type

"Normal page" is a page used for its own purposes, a "real" page.

"Placeholder page" is used for special purposes like permalinks.

"Template page used as the basis for other pages" makes this page a template page which can be used as the basis for other pages.


The name by which the page is seen online. In the example above this page would be reached via http://vols.myorganization.org/MYINFO

Show to

Determines whether logged-in, anonymous (not logged-in) or all visitors can see this page.

Based on

If set, this page will inherit the CSS, JavaScript and contents of a template page.

Visibility rules

See VSys Live visibility rules.


Text entered here will be included in the generated web page after any built-in CSS, any site-wide CSS and after any CSS assigned to the template page (if any) that this page is based on. VSys One does not validate your CSS here. Any CSS you'll want to use will vary based on the page layout in use (defined by VSys Live), the blocks, menus and images you include along with of course your intended styling goal.


Any JavaScript you enter here will be included in the generated web page after any built-in JavaScript, any site-wide JavaScript and after any JavaScript assigned to the template page (if any) that this page is based on. VSys One makes no attempt to validate your JavaScript here.

Page regions

These are the heart of the page: regions within the page layout into which items (blocks, menus and images) can be added.

VSys Live automatically determines the mobile vs. non-mobile status of a browser and will show/hide items as appropriate.

Page items

Right-clicking on a page item and selecting Edit brings up an editor that lets you change how the item is displayed.


For your purposes only, not used by VSys Live.


Text shown at the top of the item, if applicable.


Because items can be inherited from a template page, you don't set the position of an item within each region directly, instead you give it a "weight". If more than one visible item is in the same region, VSys Live will sort them by weight with the lightest ones (lowest weight) at the top.

Listings blocks

VSys Live defines "Listing blocks" which can be used to show various lists of data. Some examples of listings blocks are:

Different listings blocks have different filters available based on the type of information that they display.




A description for your own purposes; not used by VSys Live.


Because items can be inherited from a template page, you don't set the position of an item within each region directly, instead you give it a "weight". If more than one visible item is in the same region, VSys Live will sort them by weight with the lightest ones (lowest weight) at the top.


For your own purposes; not shown on VSys Live.


Shown at the top of the listing.

Show to

Determines whether logged-in, anonymous (not logged-in) or all visitors can see this block. (Note that most listings blocks are only applicable to logged-in visitors.)

Columns to show

Check one or more pieces of data about each item that you want displayed.

Display even when empty

By default, a listing is not shown at all if it has no content. Checking this will result in VSys Live displaying the block even if there are no records in it.

Render as HTML

If checked, VOXI renders the listings block by creating the appropriate HTML. This gives you more flexibility in how the listing is shown (you can edit the HTML classes and styles), but less in that the listing can't be paginated or sorted.

HTML classes, HTML styles

If set, this page will inherit the CSS, JavaScript and contents of a template page.

Others (for example Attributes, Maximum days in the past, etc.)

These will vary based on the type of listings block selected.

Data in a listing block can't be edited: these are only meant to display data.

In This Section

Sample VSys Live Page

See Also

VSys Live Pages

VSys Live Template Page

VSys Live Placeholder Page

VSys Live Permalinks