VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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VSys Live Menus

VSys Live menus let you define menus which can in turn be used to link to:

To edit a menu:

VSys Live menu


This is the text that will appear in the menu in VSys Live.

Show to

Use this to allow a single menu to change what it shows based on whether or not someone is logged into VSys Live.

  • "All visitors": anyone who views this menu in VSys Live.
  • "Anonymous visitors": only those not logged into VSys Live.
  • "Logged in visitors": only users who are logged into VSys Live.


(see table below)

Visibility rules

Using visibility rules lets you change whether or not this item is visible based on possibly complex criteria about the person viewing the page. If one or more visibility rules are checked here, the menu item will only be visible if the person meets at least one of these rules.

VSys Live menu kinds




Performs a specific action.

Links to other sites

VSys Live will automatically generate "child" menus underneath this menu item, each of which is a link to one other non-kiosk VSys Live site in this database. (VSys does this dynamically, meaning that you don't see these child menus here but rather only when the menu is shown in VSys Live.)

If there are no other VSys Live sites, this menu item will not be visible in VSys Live.


Lets you choose a specific page in this VSys Live site to link to.

When shown in VSys Live, if the linked page is not available, not visible to the current user, or contains an application form which is not visible to the current user, then the menu item will not be visible.


Placeholder menu items are for use as "parent" menus, i.e. someplace to put child menu items under.

Self-run report

Lets you choose a specific VSys Live self-run report that the volunteer can run.

Send a message

Select a single type of message to be sent by the volunteer.

Send a message (any type)

VSys live will automatically generate "child" menus within this menu item, each of which lets the volunteer send a specific type of message. Only message types applicable to the current volunteer will be shown, and if no message types are available then this menu item will not be visible in VSys Live.

Website URL

Lets you enter a specific website page, usually for an external (non-VSys Live) site.

A menu item whose parent is hidden (either explicitly or by virtue of being inapplicable to the current logged-in status) is also hidden. If the parent isn't visible then the children are not either.

Menus are not displayed on VSys Live unless they're included on a page. Defining menus here makes them available for your use on the pages you create for VSys Live but doesn't include them on those pages until you place them within regions on your pages.

See Also

VSys Live Sites


VSys Live Global Settings

VSys Live Site Settings

VSys Live Blocks

VSys Live Images

VSys Live Agreements

VSys Live Calendar Items

VSys Live Downloadable Files

VSys Live Login Notifications

VSys Live News Setup

VSys Live News/Calendar Item Tags

VSys Live Online Trainings

VSys Live Open Schedule Jobs

VSys Live Options

VSys Live Pages

VSys Live Recurring Assignments

VSys Live RSS Feeds

VSys Live Self-Cancellation Rules

VSys Live Self-Run Reports

VSys Live Static HTML Blocks

VSys Live Suggested Jobs Criteria

VSys Live Translations

VSys Live Visibility Rules

VSys Live Walkup Check in Jobs

VSys Live Instances