We highly recommend doing a backup before beginning this process.
Certification automatic creation rules are normally applied manually from within someone's profile or when a person is first created. This tool runs those rules in bulk for the people who meet your criteria.
Steps in this task
Click on Apply certification automatic creation rulesfrom the User tools panel under Bulk update/create.
Choose the rules to be applied.
Optionally select filters on People types, Volunteer types, Groups and Exclusions.
Click Find certifications. VSys will test the selected rules against the people who meet your criteria and display a list of people with rules and certifications to be created.
Check and un-check rules so that the certifications you want to be created are checked, then click on Apply selected rules. This will create those certifications you've selected. Note that once you click Apply... these changes cannot easily be un-done.
If two rules would create the same certification for the same person, only one certification will actually be created.