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Assignments report pipelines

Two pipelines with this information:

In both cases, there will be zero or more records in this pipeline. For slot-based assignments all fields will be filled. For non-slot assignments, it's possible to have one or more empty fields, or even have conflicting data.




Properties of the job associated with this assignment.


Properties of the location associated with this assignment.

(location) (address).*

Fields for the address for the location associated with this assignment.

Start, Start date, Start day, Start day of week, Start day of week (abbrev), Start day of week index, Start month, Start month name, Start time, Start time short, Start week of month, Start year

Various aspects of the start date/time.

Start/finish times

Start and finish in a single field.

Finish, Finish time, Finish time short





"Normal", "Excused", "Not excused", "Cancelled by volunteer", "Cancelled by staff"

Job, Job group, Job group/job

Job name, Job group name, and the two combined into one field.

Job group parent

Description of the parent of the job group for this job (if any).


Delegation associated with this assignment.


True if this assignment was marked as "Did not show".

Volunteer code

16-digit ID code of the volunteer.


True, if there are volunteer hours posted for this assignment.

Credited count

1 if the assignment has been credited with hours, 0 otherwise.

Credited description

"Credited" or "Not credited"

Credited duration

Duration of the hours record actually credited to this assignment.

Count in assignment

If the assignment is for a team of people, the value here will be greater than one.









See Also


Account records report pipelines

Account summaries report pipelines

Addresses report pipelines (various)

Audit trace records report pipeline

Availability report pipeline

Award report pipelines

Certifications report pipelines

Combined assignments and job associations report pipelines

Comments report pipeline

Custom fields report pipelines

Hours details report pipelines

Hours summary report pipeline

Interviews report pipelines

Job associations report pipelines

Mandates report pipelines

Memberships report pipelines

People report pipeline

Phone numbers report pipelines

Project data report pipeline

Recurring assignments report pipeline

Relationship report pipeline

Relationships report pipeline

Report images report pipeline

Security rights report pipeline

Survey results report pipeline

System report pipeline

Trainings report pipelines

Transitions report pipeline