Phone numbers
One record for every valid phone number associated with the current person.
Field |
Description |
Kind |
"Business", "Home", "Mobile", etc. |
Phone number |
Formatted exactly as it shows in the address editor. |
Phone number with kind label |
Phone numbers by type
A single record with one field for each type of phone number the person can have.
Field |
Example |
Business |
Home |
Mobile |
Emergency |
Agency |
Pager |
Fax |
Web site |
Any, prefer e-mail address |
E-mail address if known and valid, otherwise any other phone number. |
Any, prefer home phone |
Home phone number if known and valid, otherwise any other phone number. |
Any, prefer mobile phone |
Mobile phone number if known and valid, otherwise any other phone number. |
Any, prefer work phone |
Work phone number if known and valid, otherwise any other phone number. |
For both,