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Jobs and Job Groups


Job: describes a task which needs to be done. In VSys, a job has a description and job group, may be associated with locations, a sport, skills, have required interviews, trainings or background checks, be linked to job preferences, and have restrictions on the volunteer's age and/or gender.

Job group: similar to a department, VSys uses job groups to organize jobs together. Every job has exactly one job group.

Job slot: a job combined with a time, location and duration where you need one or more volunteers.

Jobs and job groups can be set up globally, and in fact that's the way they should be created. For a specific project, you can then copy the relevant jobs into that project, and then make any project-specific changes you need.

Before you begin

Decide first what your jobs are, and how they should be broken up into job groups. What are your departments? What are the functional units in your organization? These will help you organize your jobs.

To define jobs and job groups globally, click on Jobs and job groups from the Setup panel on the VSys One main screen. To define them in a specific project, open that project then click on Jobs, job groups from the Setup panel in the project.

Linked Graphic

Steps in this task

  1. If you already have jobs and job groups configured someplace else (or globally), click on the Copy jobs from elsewhere link. Select the source, then jobs and job groups, then click on the Execute copy link.

VSys will let you copy jobs and job groups in with the same name as jobs and job groups you already have. Don't do that - you'll have duplicated jobs and job groups.

  1. Define your job groups. Click on the Add job group link to create a new one, or on an existing one to edit its properties.
  2. Define one or more jobs within each job group. Click on the Add job link to create a new one, or click on an existing one to edit its properties.


On the left side of the screen:

Add job group

Creates a new job group.

Add job

Creates a new job.

Copy jobs from elsewhere

Opens the window to copy jobs and job groups from another project (or globally).

Filter values

Lets you filter and show just some of the jobs and groups.

Linked Graphic

Clicking Show all (appears where Filter values was) removes the filters and shows all jobs and job groups.


Reloads all of the values here from the database.

Expand all

Expands all job groups to show the jobs within them.

Collapse all

Collapses all job groups to hide the jobs within.

Job reports

Reports about the jobs themselves: listings and profiles.


On the right-click menu

Right-click on any job or job group to edit its properties or use other tools.

Add job group

Creates a new job group.

Add job

Creates a new job.


Makes a new job that's a copy of the currently selected job.


Edits this job or job group.

Comments and images

Comments about this job or job group.

Edit excluded people

Edits the list of people who are explicitly prohibited from performing this job.

Merge into another job

Lets you select another job and move all hours, assignments and job associations for the current job into that job.


Opens this job or job group in read-only mode for viewing only.


Deletes this job or job group. Deleting a job group deletes the jobs within it.

Find someone who's done this before

Brings up a search tool to find people who have assignments, hours, or job associations with this job.

In This Section

Job Group Properties

Job Properties

See Also


System Preferences


Archived Reasons

Awards Types

Banned Reasons

Bonus Hours

Certification/Background Check Hints


Comment Types

Contact Flags

Custom Fields

Custom Sports


Group Types


Inactive Reasons

Interview Types

Job Associations

Job Preferences


Mandate Types

Membership Types

Name Prefixes

Name Setup Options

Object Renaming

People Types

Placeholder People

Project Groups

Special Requests/Needs

Supervisors Setup



Volunteer Sources

Volunteer Types

Walkup Checkin Jobs