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Command Line Reports


Reports in VSys are normally run using the user interface. To generate reports on an automated basis, for example to e-mail the current day's assignment roster to department heads, you can use the command line to print reports to PDF files.

Important notes

Steps in This Task

  1. From within VSys, find an eligible report in its usual location.
  2. Click on the Properties hyperlink.
  3. In the Report properties window, click on the Make a desktop shortcut to run this report hyperlink. If that link is not visible then this report is either not a saved report (built-in reports cannot be used directly; save them under a new name first) or is not eligible for use with this tool.
  4. Enter the name of the file to be created, this is the PDF or RTF file that VSys will create when it runs the report. Click Save. Once it has saved, it will tell you a shortcut has been created, click OK.
    Linked Graphic
  5. From your desktop, double-click on the new icon to verify that the report you're looking for is generated as expected.
    Linked Graphic

You now have a shortcut which will run this report. Right-click on the icon and select Properties to see its details.
Linked Graphic

For example,
C:\VSys\VSys.exe "report:NPDW03CK5JY4IYMJ,C:\VSys\Volunteers with assignments by job.pdf"

This runs the report with the internal ID code of NPDW03CK5JY4IYMJ and prints it to the file "C:\VSys\Volunteers with assignments by job.pdf". Note: the quotes around the entire command are not optional.

Additional Options

See Also

Command Line Tools

Command Line Backups

Command Line Datapump

Command Line Index Rebuilder

Command Line Assignment Reminders

Command Line VSys Web Synchronization

Command Line SMS Results Retrieval