VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Icons Across the Top

There are a series of button icons at the top of the screen between the Insert user field button and the Add new page button. These icons let you line up multiple fields in precise positions on the screen.

Select the fields you want to align by either clicking on each one while holding down the Shift key or by holding down the left mouse button and using the mouse to draw a box to enclose all the elements that you want lined up. Then click on the appropriate icon.

The actions of each icon are described as follows, in order from left to right.

Button for left alignment

Align all selected components horizontally along the left edge

Button for center alignment

Align all selected components horizontally at their centers

Button for right alignment

Align all selected components horizontally at the right edge

Button for top edge alignment

Align all selected components vertically along the top edge

Button for vertical center alignment

Align all selected components vertically along their centers

Button for bottom edge alignment

Align all selected components vertically along the bottom edge

Button for spacing components vertically

Space all selected components vertically

Button for spacing components horizontally

Space all selected components horizontally

For example, if you want all the elements on your page to line up on the left side, select the fields and then click Button for left alignment.

See Also

Designing Application Forms

Application Layout Properties

Editing an Application Form Layout

Data Fields vs. User Fields

Insert a Data Field

Formatting a Field

Field Properties

Insert a User Field

Add/Delete Pages

Multiple Certifications of the Same Type on an Application Form