VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Editing an Application Form Layout

To edit an application form layout, you need to pretend you are working with a graphics or publishing program - you will be adding things, moving things around, highlighting and grouping them.

Custom application form layout screen

In the left margin a little panel tells you more information about the field. Some of the most useful things to know are:


This is the color of the field.


Clicking the (+) gives you extra information about the font. For this field, First name, the font is Tahoma and 8 point. You can change any of these characteristics by clicking on the choice and selecting another from the menu.


Style allows you to add bold, italic, and underlined formatting. Change False to True to add the formatting style and vice-versa.


Height, in pixels, of the field or label.


Horizontal location on the page.


Vertical position on the page.


How wide the field is, in pixels. Notice that the Family/last name field is wider than the First name field. To change the width of the field: position your cursor over one of the handles on either end of the field until you see a line with an arrow at each end. Then click and drag it to the right or left to lengthen or shorten the field.

When you are done, click the Save button at the top to commit your changes.

See Also

Designing Application Forms

Application Layout Properties

Data Fields vs. User Fields

Insert a Data Field

Formatting a Field

Field Properties

Insert a User Field

Icons Across the Top

Add/Delete Pages

Multiple Certifications of the Same Type on an Application Form