VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Formatting a Field

Looking at the field we just added, it looks out of place with the label font being much larger than the other labels. To change the label's size:

  1. Click on the label. Notice the "handles" are around the label text, not the text box.
    Data field showing highlighted label

2. Looking at the left panel, you can see the size of the label font is 12. The other labels are 10 point.
Settings panel on custom application form layout screen

3. Click on the 12 and type in 10 and Enter, to make it match the other labels.
Sample data field on a custom application form

See Also

Designing Application Forms

Application Layout Properties

Editing an Application Form Layout

Data Fields vs. User Fields

Insert a Data Field

Field Properties

Insert a User Field

Icons Across the Top

Add/Delete Pages

Multiple Certifications of the Same Type on an Application Form