VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Enter Background Check Requests

Background check requests - queries sent to outside agencies to run checks on prospective and current volunteers - are entered in one of two ways:

Enter background check requests from the Profile editor is done from within each volunteer by clicking the Add background check link. This step is the same for all background checks.
Background check panel in the Profile editor

If you do not see the type of background check you want as an option when you click Add background check, verify that you've enabled the vendor and product.

In this example, we'll use the "IntelliCorp Super" request.
Background check request screen shown for ChoicePoint

  1. Enter all of the appropriate information.
  2. Click Save to save this request.

Because of the complex rules for these requests, they are only validated when submitted to the background check vendor. VSys doesn't know if you've filled in enough information at this point, so make sure that you do fill in everything here that's relevant and required by your background check vendor. You will not be prompted for missing information.

Fields in yellow are encrypted fields: once saved, they cannot be read again without an appropriate decryption key.

See Also

Background Checks

Verified Volunteers

Commercial Investigations

First Advantage

IntelliCorp (v2)

Submitting Requests

Retrieving Results

Request Results Handling