VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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IntelliCorp (v2)

The older IntelliCorp background check handling system in VSys was based around a pre-built set of products you could request from IntelliCorp, and adding new products required updating VSys itself. Checking Enable IntelliCorp v2 background checks in System preferences and feature enabling enables this new model which is much more dynamic and allows us to enable and configure new IntelliCorp products by simply importing a new background check certification.

Using this new model, instead of adding an "Automated Background Check Request: IntelliCorp" background check to a person's profile, you can add any of the individual IntelliCorp products, each as its own request. The built-in products are:

VSys itself does not "know" what these products are, and Bespoke Software does not describe these products, assign pricing or make any guarantees about how well they work. All VSys does is send the product requests to IntelliCorp and retrieve the results. Questions about how the products work should be directed to your IntelliCorp representative.

In This Section

Setting Up IntelliCorp (v2)

See Also

Background Checks

Enter Background Check Requests

Verified Volunteers

Commercial Investigations

First Advantage

Submitting Requests

Retrieving Results

Request Results Handling