VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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User Preferences

While most settings in VSys One are global, meaning that they affect and apply to everyone, VSys gives each user some control over their experience with the program. From the VSys One home screen, under Tools, click on User preferences.
User preferences window



Background fade

On many lists, VSys displays a background image which helps you know where you are. This value edits how transparent that image is: 100 means it's invisible, 0 means it's visible and very colorful!

Small icon fade

Changes how visible the small icons are in various places on the left navigation bar and right-click menus. For example, the "VSys Dude" below is 30% faded:
Small icon example

A fade value of 0 means it's 0% transparent (100% visible), 100 means it's 100% transparent (completely invisible).

Font sizes

Adjusts how things are displayed within VSys One.


Uses standard sizing; ignores Windows settings.


Uses larger sizing; ignores Windows settings.


Uses very large sizing; ignores Windows settings.

Use Windows settings

Scales based on your Windows screen font size settings.

At anything other than 100% or "Use Windows settings" with Windows set to normal fonts, some areas in VSys may not display exactly as intended.

Font name

When Font sizes is set to Use Windows settings, 100%, 125% or 150%, VSys will use this as the font in most places.

Font for large fonts

When Font sizes is set to 175% or 200%, VSys will use this font.

Color scheme

Click on Edit colors to bring up a window to define your own basic color appearances, or on Use built-in colors to use the standard (mostly white) color scheme.


Adds a logo or an image of your choice to the lower left corner of your VSys screen.

Disable color banding on lists

For some display lists, VSys will use banding on alternating rows to help you see items better. Checking this box disables that feature.

Forget all automatically saved report settings (manually saved settings not affected)

VSys "remembers" the last settings you used in most reports, even when you don't explicitly save them. Check this box to have VSys delete/forget all of those settings. (Note that explicitly saved report settings using Save settings are not affected here.) After you click Save and come back to this screen, this box won't be checked any more: VSys cleared its memory of the reports when you clicked Save. To clear that memory again, check this box and then click Save again.

Open and close panels instantly instead of gradually

VSys normally opens panels gradually over a period of about 1/2 second. Checking this box will cause them to "pop" open instantly or "slam" closed without any delays. This may be useful when using Terminal Services or Citrix over a slower connection.

Prevent [Back] button from becoming [Close]

Normally when you hit the Back button and return to the VSys One home screen, Back becomes Close, and you can click that to exit the program. Checking this box makes the Back button disappear, and you need to click the X button for exiting program button in the upper-right to close VSys.

Show a confirmation prompt when closing

If checked, when you exit VSys, VSys will prompt you to ensure that you're exiting intentionally.

Color scheme

Click on any of the three fields - Navigation panel background, Panel background and Panel caption - to pick colors for those areas. VSys won't use the colors at their depth; it always increases the luminance value in order to improve the readability of any text.

Color scheme window with color picker

Who Are You?

How does VSys know who you are? If VSys Security is turned on, it knows you because you logged in, and all of your settings here are linked to your login ID. Without VSys Security, it uses your Windows login ID (e.g. "Administrator") plus the name of the machine you're running on (e.g. "Ishmael2"). If you use VSys from more than one machine in this case it thinks that you're two different people, one on each machine, and thus you'll have two independent sets of preferences.

See Also

What VSys Looks Like: Conventions and Getting Around

Using Panels

Searching Panels

Moving Around Within VSys

Searching Screens



Viewing and Using Tables

VSys Encryption