VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Searching Screens

At the top of the left navigation bar on some of the more complex screens in VSys, you'll find a Search field. This tool lets you search the entire screen that you're on - not for data that's been entered, but for fields and tools!

Below, we typed "back" into the Tools and reports field on the VSys One home screen. Without hitting Enter, VSys brings up a list of all of the tools with the word "back" in them. Use your keyboard or mouse to move to an item on the list then click on it or hit Enter. VSys will open up that tool for you.

Search tools and reports from main VSys screen

Profile Editor

Here we typed "hour" into the Search field within the Profile Editor.
Searching for fields and tools from the Profile Editor

As a result we get four options:

System Preferences

We typed "com" into the Search field within the System preferences and feature enabling tool. All of these are checkboxes in that tool (you can see that from the graphic on each one). Selecting one here will open the appropriate panel and bring you to that field.

Searching for fields and tools from System Preferences

See Also

What VSys Looks Like: Conventions and Getting Around

Using Panels

Searching Panels

Moving Around Within VSys



Viewing and Using Tables

User Preferences

VSys Encryption