VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Using Drop-Down Lists

Some fields are drop-down lists from which you can select a single value. Click on the down-arrow to the right of the field. A drop-down list opens. Click on the selection you want.
Sample drop-down list

These fields support "dynamic filtering". Instead of just opening the list, try typing a few letters of you want. The editor only brings up options which include your search text.

Checklists are another type of drop-down list. A checklist contains multiple choices and allows you to make multiple selections. Click on the down-arrow to open the list, and click in the checkboxes to check as many items as necessary (possibly none). To un-check an item, click in its checkbox again.
Sample checklist

For many of these checklists, you can right-click on the checklist to get a popup menu with the items All, None and Reverse. Clicking on these checks all, un-checks all, or reverses the checks for all of the items in one quick operation. Try right-clicking anywhere in the program to see more options.

To close a drop-down list, click in the field or anywhere off of the list.
Sample of checklist closed with selected options

For some of these checklists/drop-down lists - those for jobs, groups and accounts - right-clicking on the list brings up two additional options: Show flat and Show by account number. These re‑organize the items on the list to make it easier to find the options you're looking for.

Entering Dates

You can enter a date in a date field by either typing in the date or by selecting the date from a drop-down calendar. For example, 030907 will be converted to 3/9/2007, as shown below.
Sample date field - 3/9/2007

For a calendar view, click the down-arrow.
Sample date field showing calendar with 3/9/2007 highlighted

In addition to dates manually typed in, VSys also supports relative dates, i.e. those which don't have specific values but are always some distance from the current date - such as one year from today or 60 days ago. See Relative Dates in the appendix for more information.

See Also

What VSys Looks Like: Conventions and Getting Around

Using Panels

Searching Panels

Moving Around Within VSys

Searching Screens


Viewing and Using Tables

User Preferences

VSys Encryption