VSys One: Volunteer Management Software

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Welcome to VSys One

VSys One (pronounced Vee-Sis-One) is a powerful tool that makes it easy to organize and communicate with your volunteers. VSys tracks volunteer information, manages mailing lists, tracks skills, needs and interests, automates volunteer screening, helps assign and track volunteers to specific tasks, provides a myriad of communication tools and provides over two hundred built-in reports with the ability for you to create an unlimited number of your own reports.

VSys includes customizable data fields and filters that give you complete control over how you define and use your organization's data.

Optional VSys tools:

See Also

Getting Started

Customer and Technical Support

Version Notes 3.0

Version Notes 2.4

Version Notes 2.3

Version Notes 2.2

Version Notes 2.1

Version Notes 2.0


How to Use This Manual

What VSys Looks Like: Conventions and Getting Around