Added a new "Get support" link on most screens in VSys.
Application Forms
Application forms now properly enforce the "Required" attribute of a checklist field.
Added the concept of application "Approval statuses" with an application approval workflow process.
Application forms now support required lists, "must not have" lists and "Not available if person already has application of this type".
Applications of type "Normal" are now "Desktop".
Regular expressions can now be used as field validation logic on application forms.
When printing application forms, revised the logic for how checkbox and availability checkboxes are displayed.
Job assignments get a new property, Cancellation reason.
When right-clicking on a recurring assignment or other object to see transitions, now includes the User ID column if relevant.
When creating a recurring assignment or editing the rules for an existing one, adds the link Compare these assignments to job slots which can be used to see how the recurring assignment details match to job slots and the status of those job slots.
When viewing an attachment, that attachment can now be directly sent via e-mail.
Now better handles trying to show a PDF attachment when it's unable to resolve that PDF file.
In the Awards manager, when making nominations, if the effective date is prior to the current date, now shows the column Effective hours which is the hours for that person up to and including the effective date.
Bulk value updater
For people, the property "Primary supervisor" can now be updated.
Added dozens of new attributes of job definitions that can be updated.
Fields which are multi-line texts can now be edited in that format.
Now natively handles updating RTF fields and more intelligently displays RTF values.
Recurring assignments can now be modified.
Can now be used against job slots to change Location, Start, Duration and Supervisor; all of these changes automatically and always propagate to any assignments linked to those job slots.
When updating a job slot, adds the new field When saving, don't automatically try to match to assignments which, when checked, prevents the slot from searching for matching assignments.
Job assignments add the property "Disconnect from job slot" which, when checked, disconnects the assignment from its associated slot.
Added support for notifications based on eligibility checklists.
Eligibility checklists are now subject to transitions tracking.
Added new "View and edit eligibility checklists for many volunteers at once" tool.
When entering hours for multiple people at once, right-clicking on a person now allows the person to be viewed/edited.
When entering hours, minor changes to the arrangement of fields on screen.
Made minor adjustments to the logic for determining if two time periods intersect one another, especially as regards detection of hours overlap.
When automatically posting hours records for trainings, VSys now will *not* post an hours record if that record would overlap any existing hours for that person.
When filtering hours, added support for filtering on the credited group for the hours records.
Automatically matching hours to assignments is now only done for hours records posted no later than the first date of the previous calendar year.
No longer attempts to match assignments to slots for assignments which are more than one year in the past.
"Descriptions and auto-check out statuses in hours records" now clears the "Active kiosk checkin" and "Active VSys Live checkin" flags from older hours records.
Some tools can now be right-click "disabled".
The "Blank but non-NULL fields" tool now finds and corrects blank but non-null Context columns in the courses table.
Revised the logic for the "Descriptions and auto-checkout statuses in hours records" to not accumulate more than 50,000 pending records before saving.
When clearing NULL dates, now handles exceptions more gracefully.
"Correct assignments linked to different projects than their jobs" tool added.
Changed the "XML <-> compatibility field updates" tool avoid damaging tournaments defined in the events table for GMS.
Greatly reduced the memory utilization of the "Match hours records not associated with assignments back to their assignments if possible" tool.
Added new tool, "Disconnect assignments from non-existent slots".
When opening an Excel file, if one or more column names are duplicates, VSys will now refuse to use the file.
When importing slots, now supports creation of simple recurring slots. Note that these recurring slots are not immediately extended, that must be done separately using the Extend recurring slots tool.
When importing job definitions, can now import Job tags, Communities served and Activity types properties of jobs.
Can now import job-based custom fields.
When importing hours records, now supports the columns Start time and End time.
When importing assignments and slots, now supports importing Supervisor; this field requires the full 16-digit ID code of a pre-existing person.
Importing assignments now supports more that one recurring assignment rule (1st, 3rd, etc.) at once.
Added new job properties "Communities served" and "Activities".
In the Jobs/slots calendar tool, added a mechanism to load and save named settings; can now filter based on Job tags and Supervisor; editing a slot and future ones like it can now also optionally affect only future slots on specific weeks, 1st/3rd; editing a slot and future ones like it, all or filtered by week, now also includes a checklist of the slots to be affected.
The Job slots and assignments into them tool now supports many more right-click tools for slots, including extend, delete all and delete for date range; added the Day column; can now filter based on Job tags and Supervisor.
When extending recurring assignments, now shows the days of the week for each assignment.
When defining jobs, can now paste multiple job groups at once from the Windows clipboard.
Added three new RTF fields to job definitions: User text 1, User text 2 and User text 3.
New job assignment statuses, "Pending release form" and "Cancelled: no release form".
New job assignment status, "Cancelled but does not need replacement"; assignments with this status will still be considered to occupy a job slot and reduce that slot's count needed.
When creating or editing a recurring assignment, setting the duration to > 18 hours/day now shows that duration editor in red.
On most lists of assignments, now shows the Duration column.
When editing an existing assignment, the list of locations is now properly limited to only those valid for the selected job plus the one currently given to the assignment.
Kiosk settings can now be exported to a file and imported into another VSys database later.
On the VSys Kiosk, now shows the My Messages button in a volunteer's home screen even if there are no unread messages.
When assigning kiosk PINs to people, added the option Use gaps in existing PIN assignments.
Kiosk holiday greeting rules can now be applied to specific kiosk locations.
Letter templates
Added new report and mail merge field for people, Mailing dear (informal first). It works just like Mailing dear but prioritizes using a first/given name before "Mr. XYZ".
Added new letter template sub-letter type "Combined calendar" which includes assignments, trainings, interviews, expiring trainings and expiring certifications.
Normal lists (not Intellilists or temporary lists) now know when individual records were added to them.
Subscriptions where the subscriber is "Primary supervisor" can now have events based on transitions.
Subscriptions for certain automatic recipients now support selecting an address type for finding the recipient's e-mail/SMS address.
Added support for notifications based on eligibility checklists, mandates and trace (audit log) records.
The Person lookup tool now supports right-clicking on a person to edit or view in a new window.
VSys now considers an e-mail address whose local identifier ends with an underscore to be valid, e.g. "".
In addresses, an e-mail address which appears to be invalid (but not marked as "known bad") now shows in orange
Team size, a property of people, is now Team unnamed member count.
Within the profile editor, added a new link View job openings.
Within a person's profile, right-clicking on an assignment now allows opening and viewing the definition of the associated job.
Added new relationships, "BFF" and "Roommate".
Removed the Assignments calendar report (the non-RTF variant); the RTF version can load the settings from the older version reports.
In many places you can now right-click on a job, job assignment or job slot and select Reports to print reports which are based on job definitions as well as view comments and attached files for that job.
Added new report and mail merge field for people, Mailing dear (informal first). It works just like Mailing dear but prioritizes using a first/given name before "Mr. XYZ".
Added a new filter, "Status at any point during a date range".
In slot detail reports, added the reportable field Comments.
When saving a custom report, if that report would normally load automatically to other than "Advanced/custom", now includes a checkbox to force the report to load in that tool.
Sign-in reports run from within a project can now include people who have assignments in that project but are not registered.
Added various Random... reportable fields for people.
Added new scheduled tasks "Letters purge", "Eligibility/intake checklist automatic update", "VSys Live settings export".
In a scheduled index update task, added the new option Run all available actions.
Various updates to IntelliCorp background check requests.
Added support for Verified Volunteers background checks.
Revised the UI for background check send/receive.
Interviews now have the additional property Followup date and support custom fields.
Added new security right, "Add comments to people even without edit rights". A user with this right can add comments to people to whom the user has "View" rights even if the user does not have "Edit" rights.
The special right to change a person's status now applies to Inactive and its associated dates, Banned and its properties, along with Deceased and Date deceased.
Added new security right under "Special people rights": "Edit/delete attachments".
Top-level locations setup is now controlled as a security right.
Added the concept of user-definable age groups; each of those defined age groups becomes a reportable field for people.
Added a new advanced system options After creating or editing a recurring assignment, immediately attempt to match those assignments against open job slots, If application 'Approval statuses' defined, prevent editing the 'Status' property of applications, When launching help, copy the help file to a local drive before loading, Within projects, include the "Checked in" property for people, Within certifications, hide the 'Scanned images' link if no scanned images associated with that certification, and For attached PDF files, view those PDF files only using external PDF viewer.
Added new system preferences options In various job tools, indicate 'Every other (a)' and 'Every other (b)' for dates and In various job tools, indicate weeks 1-5 for dates; when checked, these cause the week of the month and a/b and/or week number to appear next to dates in the Jobs/slots calendar tool, Job slots and assignments into them tool and Finding job opportunities tool.
Opening the jobs or locations setup tool is now permitted even if the tool cannot be locked for exclusive use; in this case the tool will be opened in read-only mode and a notice is shown.
Added settings to automatically shut down VSys One and/or VSys Lite on inactivity.
When right-clicking on a person's trainings to add the person to a course, for courses where the subject and course description are different, now includes the course description on the menu item.
Added new reportable properties for training records, Hours credited and Hours credited duration.
On lists of training records, drag & drop of files is now supported.
In the list of entrants for a training course, now adds an additional person lookup mechanism.
Crediting of hours to trainings can now be set at the training subject level.
Added support for setting the Duration for training records which are not associated with courses.
Within someone's profile, deleting a training record that is associated with credited hours now shows a warning.
When deleting a training subject, now rejects the deletion if any trainings and/or courses use that subject.
On lists of transitions, if VSys Security is enabled, the user ID of the user who made that change is now visible.
Added two new transition types for people, both of which are only entered manually: "Primary job" and "Primary location".
Eligibility checklists and mandates are now subject to transitions tracking.
For people, Additional groups and Additional people types, Contact flags, Special requests/needs and Excluded jobs are now tracked as transitioned values.
VSys Live
Added support for online trainings via YouTube or external content.
If authentication against Active Directory is enabled and automatic creation of new volunteers based on AD login is enabled, now allows automatic update of existing volunteer information from AD at login.
Visibility rules now support filtering based on group and person type.
Pages now support visibility rules.
New required release forms settings added to job definitions and VSys Live sites.
Agreements now support specifying a field in the target certification in which to put the details about the agreement.
VSys Web
When processing VSys Web-downloaded applications,
Now shows the applicant's name when possible.
Supports right click -> Reject -> Delete.
Availability checkboxes now properly store the value of those fields in the application for later retrieval/viewing/printing.
Numerous additional columns and indices added to the applications, assignments, hours and slots tables.
Vastly improved the speed of database restores into SQL Server.
SQL Server and MySQL libraries upgraded.
The datapump tool, when used from the command line, can now specifically exclude individual tables.
Added a new mechanism to attach documents to tools within VSys; this is intended for organizations that want to include operational instructions or files associated with specific screens in VSys.