For reasons of backwards compatibility, VSys supports only three genders: "Female", "Male", and "Unknown", with the third normally used when you don't know what the person's gender is rather than as an alternative to the traditional genders. When you need or want to tag people with other than the binary "Male" and "Female", VSys offers the concept of "Extended genders". These are a separate field from Gender but can work with that field.
How to use extended genders
Setup extended genders
In system preferences, check Enable Extended genders under Feature enabling.
On the Setup panel under People, click on Extended genders.
Define your extended genders with appropriate names, optionally mapping each to a Traditional gender. If set, assigning a person "Transgender woman" as above would automatically set their Gender field to "Female".
Setup names
On the Setup panel under People, click on Name setup options.
Optionally set pronouns for males, females, and unknown gender. (These pronouns do not apply to extended gender values.)
Optionally, rename the "Unknown" gender. (Do not change this to something like "Transgender": this value is primarily used to indicate that we don't know or haven't asked for the person's gender. Any newly-created person, until assigned a Gender, would gets this value and this is probably unintentional.)
Optionally set Default extended gender for "male" and/or Default extended gender for "female". If you do this, then in the example above assigning someone a gender of "Male" will automatically give them the extended gender "Man".
In VSys Live applications
Place either the Gender or Extended gender field on any application: depending on which field you use, the other should be set automatically.